tools for converting yolo boxes to pascal voc xml and TFRecords The repository contain tools for converting from YOLO boxes format to PASCAL VOC xml format and to TFRecords format
in DATA folder are examples of YOLO txt boxes format, and PASCAL VOC xml format.
Steps to create TFREcords
- convert YOLO txt to PASCAL VOC xml format using provided tools
1.1 Enter PascalVocWriter Folder
1.2 open, on the end you would find the code, to set calss names, pas a list of all jpg images wich hava a txt with YOLO Marks format file next to them
> classes = ['background',
'person', 'animal','vehicle']
> trainFiles = "D:\\YOLO\\img-s11\\img-s1\\img\\all.txt"
> parse_yolo_labels(images_list_file_name=trainFiles,classes=classes)
run code the result should be an additional xml file for each image
- Create CSV list file using xml_to_csv fill in source_file_list = "C:\Yolo\DataSets\3classes\ir_train.txt" dest_csv_file = 'C:\Yolo\DataSets\3classes\CSV_list_File\ir_train.csv'
with input list of jpg files with full path (next to each jpg file should be the xml boxes file), output name of csv file.
### CSV File Format
> filename,width,height,class,xmin,ymin,xmax,ymax
> D:\YOLO\img-s11\img-s1\Images\voc\2007\1\000001.jpg,353,500,animal,48,240,195,371
- Create TFrecords from CSV file: After created csv file, run the following: python --csv_input=data/train_labels.csv --output_path=train.record
where you should set the csv_input as full path to your csv file, and output_path full path and file name of .record file. use / slashe,
Example of usage: python --csv_input='C:/Yolo/DataSets/3classes/CSV_list_File/ir_train.csv' --output_path = C:/Yolo/DataSets/3classes/train.records follow the instructions on see also tutorial in
steps to install object detection API
download git repo install pip install pillow
pip install lxml
pip install jupyter
pip install matplotlib
Head to the protoc releases page and download the, extract it, and you will find protoc.exe in the bin directory.
You can move this to something more appropriate if you like, or leave it here. I eventually put mine in program files, making a "protoc" directory and dropping it in there. Now, from within the models (or models-master) directory, you can use the protoc command like so:
"C:/Program Files/protoc/bin/protoc" object_detection/protos/*.proto --python_out=.
set PYTHONPATH=%PYTHONPATH%;%cd%;%cd%\slim
edit model config file: See step 3 in
set number of classes path for tfrecords train.record. and eval.record
then run training Step 4: Evaluating the model
python --logtostderr \
--train_dir=training/ \
set PYTHONPATH=%PYTHONPATH%;%cd%;%cd%\slim cd C:\Yolo\DataSets\Data_For_TF_Obecect_detection_API\models-master\research\object_detection python .\legacy\ --logtostderr --train_dir=D:/tf-od-api/first/training/ --pipline_config_path=D:/tf-od-api/first/training/ssd_mobilenet_v1_coco.config
python .\legacy\ --logtostderr --pipeline_config_path=D:/tf-od-api/first/training/ssd_mobilenet_v1_coco.config --checkpoint_dir=D:/tf-od-api/first/training/ --eval_dir=D:/tf-od-api/first/eval/
#To visualize the eval results tensorboard --logdir=D:/tf-od-api/first/eval/
#TO visualize the training results tensorboard --logdir=D:/tf-od-api/first/training/ is a script using object detection api Place in models-master\research\object_detection folder.
prepare a Models folder, and a training/eval folder
set the following variables: modelBaseDir = 'D:\tf-od-api\3classes\Base_Modeles_Dir' trainBaseDir = 'D:\tf-od-api\3classes\Train_Eval_Base_Dir' trainPyFilePath = '.\legacy\' evalPyFilePath = '.\legacy\'
after this run the file Python
this would loop over each model prepared in modelBaseDir directory and run training and eval. Set trainBaseDir directory to be used.