(mostly open-source) software tools & utilities I use and love
- BASH (Bourne-Again Shell) - powerful universal default
- Tmux - terminal multiplexer, allowing a user to access multiple separate terminal sessions inside a single terminal window or remote terminal session.
- Terminator - GUI terminal with ability to run multiple terminal sessions inside single window in a grid or tab arrangement. keyboard shortcuts, simultaneous typing, extensible through plugins
- Ansible - cross-platform automation & configuration management "swiss-army knife" (highly adaptable & versatile multi-tool)
- XFCE - lightweight, rock-solid, customizable, familiar
- elementaryOS - "a fast and open replacement for Windows and macOS" - great UI/UX with sane defaults, Ubuntu base
- MATE - fast, user-friendly, tweakable
- KDE - highly customizable modern desktop environment
- Albert - application launcher (keyboard-shortcut)
- Meld - detailed diff viewer for files and entire directories
- Vim - universal supported & full-featured editor
- Sublime Text - simple, fast, extensible
- VS Code - customizable editor/IDE hybrid
- Geany
- Atom
- Nano
- Ansible
- Ansible
- Jenkins
- Ansible
- Git hooks
- Jenkins
- Ansible
- Git hooks
- Kubernetes
- Docker