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Correl8 Habit Tracker

This habit tracker allows you to store information about a user's daily activities, mood and outlook. The intention is to help the user discover links between their daily activities and the impacts on their overall mood and outlook. The app also uses the Mapbox and Open-Mateo APIs to all the app to track weather associated with the user's given location. With enough data, this app has a goal of finding correlation in a user's day to their given responses to mood and outlook.

Correl8 App link

APIs Used


Forward geocoding used to retrieve latitude and longitude of a user's zip code. These coordinates will feed the Open-Mateo API. Mapbox Proof of Concept\


Sending the user's latitude and longitude returns the current weather forecast. This will be used to provide weather data as a supplement to daily responses.
Open-Mateo Proof of Concept\

Entity Relational Diagram

The app consists of 3 models: Users, Settings and Responses. Users and Settings have a one:one relationship while Users and Responses have a one:many relationship. Entity Relational Diagram

RESTful Routing Chart

GET / Read Landing Page Home
POST /users Create Add user data to db
GET /users/new Read Display signup form Signup Form
GET /users/login Read Display login form Login Form
POST /users/login Read Checks user credentials against db
GET /users/login Read Logout user by clearing cookies
GET /users/profile Read Display user data Profile
GET /users/settings Read Display users settings
PUT /users Update Update user settings
GET /habits Read Displays current user settings Settings
POST /habits Create Defines users' daily habits during setup
PUT /habits Update Updates a users' habits
GET /responses Read Displays past entries Past habits
GET /responses/new Read Display the current day's form Habit Form
POST /responses Create Enters current day's form to the db
GET /responses/:id Read Displays responses related to a specific day Past entry
PUT /responses/:id Update Update an existing record of a day's entries
DELETE /responses Destroy Deletes a previous entry


landing page users/new users/login users/profile users/settings habits responses habits/new habits/:id

Installation Instructions

  1. Fork and clone this repo
  2. Install all modules using npm install
  3. Sign up and get an API key from the Mapbox API
  4. Create a .env file and store your Mapbox API in a variable named MAP_KEY
  5. Make some habits!

User Stories

As a user, I want to be able to store daily activity data based on my mood and habits.
As a user, I want to be able to retrieve past habit and weather responses to find correlation in my mood.

MVP Goals

  • Store user daily activity data in a relational database
  • Users are able to login and retrieve past entries
  • Complete RESTful routes for daily user entries
  • Retrieve and display weather information from an API

Stretch Goals

  • Incorporate a daily motivational quote API
  • Ability to display aggregate past data in one view
  • Add visual components for past data such as charts or graphs


Daily habit tracker






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