Demo project for some AOP features implementation tackling issues in persistence layer.
For some database tables, revision history needs to be recorded. → Feature 1
- Specific strategies may vary, but in this project...
- Each table has its own history table.
- History tables consists of full snapshot of original columns with some additional ones (e.g. sequence numbering of recorded histories by each original entity).
Some columns are repeated across tables and have identical value assigning strategy. → Feature 2
- e.g. first inserted time, last modified time, etc...
Some records need to be fetched from database and remain cached for repetitive usage. → Feature 3
- e.g. system level enum codes referenced across the whole application
- Record histories after database revision
- Inject common data(stamp) into method arguments before execution
- Provide temporary context around method execution
- Persistence Framework: MyBatis 3
- Write tests for ExecutionScopeContextProvider and CommonCodesCacheProviderAspect.
- Update READMEs for each feature.