Additional relevant information, intelligiently positioned based on click event.
To install poppins just use the JSDelivr link to this repo. Or fork it and do your own thing. Follow your heart.
import { buildPoppin } from '';
Poppins will automatically append its relevant dark and light mode styles for you at runtime. At this time, Poppins is a pretty exclusively used for my personal projects so it has shortcuts for styling that assumes your project is using SVG for your icons
To build a poppin based on the list menu template, you'll need any array of data objects. Make 'em look like this.
let list_menu_data_array = [{
content: 'string', // Required - The list item's visible text
function: 'string', // Optional - The functions and their parameters you want clicking this item to trigger
svg_id: 'string', // Optional - The <def> id for your desired icon. If none provided, defaults to an arrow
color_class: 'string', // Optional - Classes applied to the icon, Poppins provides "color-green," "color-blue," "color-red," and "color-orange" - you can add any other's from your projects CSS you'd like though
large_icon: 'boolean', // Optional - Increases the size of your displayed icon
Now that you have that, you need an HTML element to bind your call to.
<button id="list-menu-btn">Show Poppin</button>
Your call to build a poppin will be structured like this:
buildPoppin(id, reference, show, event, data)
For this list menu example, you'll pass in data like this:
<button id="list-menu-btn" onclick="buildPoppin('list_menu', 'list-menu-btn', true, event, list_menu_data_array)">Show Poppin</button>
To create a poppin based on the additional info template, you'll structure the data you pass in differently. For starters, it'll need to be an object rather than an array.
let additional_info_data = {
content: 'string', // Required - The poppin's visible content beneath the header
title: 'string', // Optional - Header syntax opening text
photo_link: 'string', // Optional - URL for dynamically positioned image
photo_layout: 'string', // Optional - accepts 'square' or 'landscape', defaults to 'square'
function: 'string', // Optional - The functions and their parameters you want triggered when the optional 'dive deeper' button is clicked