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nakib committed Jul 2, 2024
1 parent 43d6fa9 commit aa20479
Showing 1 changed file with 346 additions and 0 deletions.
346 changes: 346 additions & 0 deletions src/sepe.f90
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,346 @@
! Copyright 2024 elphbolt contributors.
! This file is part of elphbolt <>.
! elphbolt is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
! it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
! the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
! (at your option) any later version.
! elphbolt is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
! but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
! GNU General Public License for more details.
! You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
! along with elphbolt. If not, see <>.

module SEPE_module
!! Module containing type and procedures related to the solution of the
!! Semiconductor Electron-Phonon Equation (SEPE) a la Stefanucci & Perfetto.

use precision, only: r64, i64
use params, only: qe, kB, hbar_eVps
!!$ use misc, only: print_message, exit_with_message, write2file_rank2_real, &
!!$ distribute_points, demux_state, binsearch, interpolate, demux_vector, mux_vector, &
!!$ trace, subtitle, append2file_transport_tensor, write2file_response, &
!!$ linspace, readfile_response, write2file_spectral_tensor, subtitle, timer, &
!!$ twonorm, write2file_rank1_real, precompute_interpolation_corners_and_weights, &
!!$ interpolate_using_precomputed, Jacobian, cross_product, qdist
use numerics_module, only: numerics
use crystal_module, only: crystal
!!$ use nano_module, only: nanostructure
!!$ use symmetry_module, only: symmetry
!!$ use phonon_module, only: phonon
use electron_module, only: electron
!!$ use interactions, only: calculate_ph_rta_rates, read_transition_probs_e, &
!!$ calculate_el_rta_rates, calculate_bound_scatt_rates, calculate_thinfilm_scatt_rates, &
!!$ calculate_4ph_rta_rates, calculate_W3ph_OTF, calculate_Y_OTF

implicit none

public sepe

type sepe
!! Data and procedures related to the BTE.

real(r64), allocatable :: ph_rta_rates_phe_ibz(:,:)
!! Phonon RTA scattering rates on the IBZ due to ph-e interactions.
real(r64), allocatable :: ph_rta_rates_ibz(:,:)
!! Phonon RTA scattering rates on the IBZ.
real(r64), allocatable :: ph_field_term_T(:,:,:)
!! Phonon field coupling term for gradT field on the FBZ.
real(r64), allocatable :: ph_response_T(:,:,:)
!! Phonon response function for gradT field on the FBZ.
real(r64), allocatable :: ph_field_term_E(:,:,:)
!! Phonon field coupling term for E field on the FBZ.
real(r64), allocatable :: ph_response_E(:,:,:)
!! Phonon response function for E field on the FBZ.
real(r64), allocatable :: ph_coherence(:, :)
!! Phonon coherence

real(r64), allocatable :: el_rta_rates_echimp_ibz(:,:)
!! Electron RTA scattering rates on the IBZ due to charged impurity scattering.
real(r64), allocatable :: el_rta_rates_bound_ibz(:,:)
!! Electron RTA scattering rates on the IBZ due to boundary scattering.
real(r64), allocatable :: el_rta_rates_eph_ibz(:,:)
!! Electron RTA scattering rates on the IBZ due to e-ph interactions.
real(r64), allocatable :: el_rta_rates_ibz(:,:)
!! Electron RTA scattering rates on the IBZ.
real(r64), allocatable :: el_field_term_T(:,:,:)
!! Electron field coupling term for gradT field on the FBZ.
real(r64), allocatable :: el_response_T(:,:,:)
!! Electron response function for gradT field on the FBZ.
real(r64), allocatable :: el_field_term_E(:,:,:)
!! Electron field coupling term for E field on the FBZ.
real(r64), allocatable :: el_response_E(:,:,:)
!! Electron response function for E field on the FBZ.

procedure :: solve_sepe=>sepe_driver

end type sepe


subroutine sepe_driver(self, num, crys, sym, ph, el)
!! Subroutine to orchestrate the SEPE calculations.
!! self SEPE object
!! num Numerics object
!! crys Crystal object
!! sym Symmertry object
!! ph Phonon object
!! el Electron object

class(bte), intent(inout) :: self
type(numerics), intent(in) :: num
type(crystal), intent(in) :: crys
type(symmetry), intent(in) :: sym
type(phonon), intent(in) :: ph
type(electron), intent(in), optional :: el

!Local variables
character(1024) :: tag, Tdir

call subtitle("Calculating SEPEs...")

!call print_message("Only the trace-averaged transport coefficients are printed below:")

!Create output folder tagged by temperature and create it
write(tag, "(E9.3)") crys%T
Tdir = trim(adjustl(num%cwd))//'/T'//trim(adjustl(tag))
if(this_image() == 1) then
call system('mkdir -p '//trim(adjustl(Tdir)))
end if
sync all

!!$ !Electron RTA
!!$ if(.not. num%onlyphbte) &
!!$ call dragless_el_eqn(Tdir, self, num, crys, sym, el, ph)
end subroutine sepe_driver

!!$ subroutine dragless_el_eqn(Tdir, self, num, crys, sym, el)
!!$ !! Electron transport equation with phonons at equilibrium
!!$ class(bte), intent(inout) :: self !Mutation alert!
!!$ type(numerics), intent(in) :: num
!!$ type(crystal), intent(in) :: crys
!!$ type(symmetry), intent(in) :: sym
!!$ type(electron), intent(in) :: el
!!$ character(*), intent(in) :: Tdir
!!$ !Locals
!!$ real(r64) :: el_kappa0_scalar, el_kappa0_scalar_old, el_alphabyT_scalar, el_alphabyT_scalar_old, &
!!$ el_sigma_scalar, el_sigma_scalar_old, el_sigmaS_scalar, el_sigmaS_scalar_old
!!$ type(timer) :: t
!!$ integer :: it_el, icart
!!$ type(transport_coeffs) :: trans
!!$ call trans%initialize_el(el%numbands)
!!$ call t%start_timer('Iterative dragless electron transport')
!!$ call print_message("Dragless electron transport:")
!!$ call print_message("-----------------------------")
!!$ !Restart with RTA solution
!!$ self%el_response_T = self%el_field_term_T
!!$ self%el_response_E = self%el_field_term_E
!!$ if(this_image() == 1) then
!!$ write(*,*) "iter k0_el[W/m/K] sigmaS[A/m/K]", &
!!$ " sigma[1/Ohm/m] alpha_el/T[A/m/K]"
!!$ end if
!!$ do it_el = 1, num%maxiter
!!$ !E field:
!!$ call iterate_el_eqn(num, el, crys, &
!!$ self%el_rta_rates_ibz, self%el_field_term_E, self%el_response_E)
!!$ !Calculate electron transport coefficients
!!$ call calculate_transport_coeff('el', 'E', crys%T, el%spindeg, el%chempot, &
!!$ el%ens, el%vels, crys%volume, el%wvmesh, self%el_response_E, sym, &
!!$ trans%el_alphabyT, trans%el_sigma, Bfield = num%Bfield)
!!$ trans%el_alphabyT = trans%el_alphabyT/crys%T
!!$ !delT field:
!!$ call iterate_el_eqn(num, el, crys, &
!!$ self%el_rta_rates_ibz, self%el_field_term_T, self%el_response_T)
!!$ !Enforce Kelvin-Onsager relation
!!$ do icart = 1, 3
!!$ self%el_response_T(:,:,icart) = (el%ens(:,:) - el%chempot)/qe/crys%T*&
!!$ self%el_response_E(:,:,icart)
!!$ end do
!!$ call calculate_transport_coeff('el', 'T', crys%T, el%spindeg, el%chempot, &
!!$ el%ens, el%vels, crys%volume, el%wvmesh, self%el_response_T, sym, &
!!$ trans%el_kappa0, trans%el_sigmaS, Bfield = num%Bfield)
!!$ !Calculate and print electron transport scalars
!!$ el_kappa0_scalar = trace(sum(trans%el_kappa0, dim = 1))/crys%dim
!!$ el_sigmaS_scalar = trace(sum(trans%el_sigmaS, dim = 1))/crys%dim
!!$ el_sigma_scalar = trace(sum(trans%el_sigma, dim = 1))/crys%dim
!!$ el_alphabyT_scalar = trace(sum(trans%el_alphabyT, dim = 1))/crys%dim
!!$ if(this_image() == 1) then
!!$ write(*,"(I3, A, 1E16.8, A, 1E16.8, A, 1E16.8, A, 1E16.8)") it_el, &
!!$ " ", el_kappa0_scalar, " ", el_sigmaS_scalar, &
!!$ " ", el_sigma_scalar, " ", el_alphabyT_scalar
!!$ end if
!!$ !Print out band resolved transport coefficients
!!$ ! Change to data output directory
!!$ call chdir(trim(adjustl(Tdir)))
!!$ call append2file_transport_tensor('nodrag_el_sigmaS_', it_el, trans%el_sigmaS, el%bandlist)
!!$ call append2file_transport_tensor('nodrag_el_sigma_', it_el, trans%el_sigma, el%bandlist)
!!$ call append2file_transport_tensor('nodrag_el_alphabyT_', it_el, trans%el_alphabyT, el%bandlist)
!!$ call append2file_transport_tensor('nodrag_el_kappa0_', it_el, trans%el_kappa0, el%bandlist)
!!$ ! Change back to cwd
!!$ call chdir(trim(adjustl(num%cwd)))
!!$ !Check convergence
!!$ if(converged(el_kappa0_scalar_old, el_kappa0_scalar, num%conv_thres) .and. &
!!$ converged(el_sigmaS_scalar_old, el_sigmaS_scalar, num%conv_thres) .and. &
!!$ converged(el_sigma_scalar_old, el_sigma_scalar, num%conv_thres) .and. &
!!$ converged(el_alphabyT_scalar_old, el_alphabyT_scalar, num%conv_thres)) then
!!$ !Print converged band resolved response functions
!!$ ! Change to data output directory
!!$ call chdir(trim(adjustl(Tdir)))
!!$ call write2file_response('nodrag_I0_', self%el_response_T, el%bandlist) !gradT, el
!!$ call write2file_response('nodrag_J0_', self%el_response_E, el%bandlist) !E, el
!!$ ! Change back to cwd
!!$ call chdir(trim(adjustl(num%cwd)))
!!$ exit
!!$ else
!!$ el_kappa0_scalar_old = el_kappa0_scalar
!!$ el_sigmaS_scalar_old = el_sigmaS_scalar
!!$ el_sigma_scalar_old = el_sigma_scalar
!!$ el_alphabyT_scalar_old = el_alphabyT_scalar
!!$ end if
!!$ end do
!!$ call t%end_timer('Iterative dragless electron transport')
!!$ sync all
!!$ end subroutine dragless_el_eqn
subroutine iterate_el_eqn(num, el, crys, rta_rates_ibz, field_term, &
response_el, sepe_term)
!! Subroutine to calculate the Fan-Migdal term
!! T Temperature in K
!! drag Is drag included?
!! el Electron object
!! num Numerics object
!! crys Crystal object
!! rta_rates_ibz Electron RTA scattering rates
!! field_term Electron field coupling term
!! response_el Electron response function
!! sepe_term Scaling factor of electron transition rates due to phonon coherence

type(electron), intent(in) :: el
type(numerics), intent(in) :: num
type(crystal), intent(in) :: crys
real(r64), intent(in) :: rta_rates_ibz(:,:), field_term(:,:,:)
real(r64), intent(in) :: sepe_term(:,:,:)
real(r64), intent(inout) :: response_el(:,:,:)

!Local variables
integer(i64) :: nstates_irred, nprocs, chunk, istate, numbands, numbranches, &
ik_ibz, m, ieq, ik_sym, ik_fbz, iproc, ikp, n, nk, num_active_images, aux, &
start, end, neg_ik_fbz
integer :: i, j
integer(i64), allocatable :: istate_el(:), istate_ph(:), istate_el_echimp(:)
real(r64) :: tau_ibz
real(r64), allocatable :: Xplus(:), Xminus(:), Xchimp(:), response_el_reduce(:,:,:)
character(1024) :: filepath_Xminus, filepath_Xplus, tag

!Set output directory of transition probilities
write(tag, "(E9.3)") crys%T

!Number of electron bands
numbands = size(rta_rates_ibz(1,:))

!Number of in-window FBZ wave vectors
nk = size(field_term(:,1,1))

!Total number of IBZ states
nstates_irred = size(rta_rates_ibz(:,1))*numbands

!Allocate and initialize response reduction array
allocate(response_el_reduce(nk, numbands, 3))
response_el_reduce(:,:,:) = 0.0_r64

!Divide electron states among images
call distribute_points(nstates_irred, chunk, start, end, num_active_images)

!Only work with the active images
if(this_image() <= num_active_images) then
!Run over electron IBZ states
do istate = start, end
!Demux state index into band (m) and wave vector (ik_ibz) indices
call demux_state(istate, numbands, m, ik_ibz)

!Apply energy window to initial (IBZ blocks) electron
if(abs(el%ens_irred(ik_ibz, m) - el%enref) > el%fsthick) cycle

!RTA lifetime
tau_ibz = 0.0_r64
if(rta_rates_ibz(ik_ibz, m) /= 0.0_r64) then
tau_ibz = 1.0_r64/rta_rates_ibz(ik_ibz, m)
end if

!Set X+ filename
write(tag, '(I9)') istate
filepath_Xplus = trim(adjustl(num%Xdir))//'/Xplus.istate'//trim(adjustl(tag))

!Read X+ from file
call read_transition_probs_e(trim(adjustl(filepath_Xplus)), nprocs, Xplus, &
istate_el, istate_ph)

!X+ -> X+(1 - theta_q/n0_q)
Xplus = Xplus*sepe_term

!Set X- filename
write(tag, '(I9)') istate
filepath_Xminus = trim(adjustl(num%Xdir))//'/Xminus.istate'//trim(adjustl(tag))

!Read X- from file
call read_transition_probs_e(trim(adjustl(filepath_Xminus)), nprocs, Xminus)

!X- -> X-(1 - theta_q/n0_q)
Xminus = Xminus*sepe_term

!Sum over the number of equivalent k-points of the IBZ point
do ieq = 1, el%nequiv(ik_ibz)
ik_sym = el%ibz2fbz_map(ieq, ik_ibz, 1) !symmetry
call binsearch(el%indexlist, el%ibz2fbz_map(ieq, ik_ibz, 2), ik_fbz)

!Sum over scattering processes
do iproc = 1, nprocs
!Grab the final electron and, if needed, the interacting phonon
call demux_state(istate_el(iproc), numbands, n, ikp)

!Self contribution:

!Find image of final electron wave vector due to the current symmetry
call binsearch(el%indexlist, el%equiv_map(ik_sym, ikp), aux)

response_el_reduce(ik_fbz, m, :) = response_el_reduce(ik_fbz, m, :) + &
response_el(aux, n, :)*(Xplus(iproc) + Xminus(iproc))
end do

!Iterate BTE
response_el_reduce(ik_fbz, m, :) = field_term(ik_fbz, m, :) + &
response_el_reduce(ik_fbz, m, :)*tau_ibz
end do
end do
end if

!Update the response function
call co_sum(response_el_reduce)
response_el = response_el_reduce
end subroutine iterate_el_eqn
end module SEPE_module

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