This repo is for the .JS TLD on the Handshake DNS protocol. You can buy a .JS domain at If you maintain a well-known NPM package, submit a PR (add your .js domain to the Claimed domains section and remove it from the reserved domains section if it's there) to get your .js domain for free.
You can use a .JS domain for non-javascript related websites, but .JS is meant to serve the JavaScript community. Hence why JS package maintainers can claim their domains for free.
Currently, owns and operates .JS on Handshake. Proceeds from .JS domain sales will be used to support Handshake development and the effort to make .JS a resource for the JavaScript community.
Our goal is to create a separate governance committee who can run this TLD. An early suggestion would be getting under's non-profit umbrella, but we're open to other suggestions as well.
- blitz.js
- next.js
- surabaya.js
- node-fetch.js
- abbrev.js
- accepts.js
- acorn.js
- adm-zip.js
- agentkeepalive.js
- aggregate-error.js
- ajv-keywords.js
- ajv.js
- alfy.js
- alifd.js
- amqplib.js
- angular.js
- ansi-colors.js
- ansi-escapes.js
- ansi-regex.js
- ansi-styles.js
- antd.js
- any-promise.js
- anymatch.js
- apollo-link.js
- app-root-path.js
- archiver.js
- argparse.js
- argv.js
- array-back.js
- array-flatten.js
- array-includes.js
- array-uniq.js
- arrify.js
- asap.js
- asn1.js
- assert-plus.js
- assert.js
- assertion-error.js
- assign-symbols.js
- async-limiter.js
- async-validator.js
- async.js
- asynckit.js
- aurelia-pal.js
- autoprefixer.js
- aws-sdk.js
- aws-sign2.js
- aws4.js
- axios.js
- babel-cli.js
- babel-core.js
- babel-eslint.js
- babel-helper-vue-jsx-merge-props.js
- babel-jest.js
- babel-loader.js
- babel-plugin-module-resolver.js
- babel-plugin-syntax-jsx.js
- babel-plugin-transform-class-properties.js
- babel-plugin-transform-object-rest-spread.js
- babel-plugin-transform-runtime.js
- babel-polyfill.js
- babel-preset-env.js
- babel-preset-es2015.js
- babel-preset-react.js
- babel-preset-stage-0.js
- babel-register.js
- babel-runtime.js
- babel-template.js
- babel-traverse.js
- babel-types.js
- babel.js
- babelify.js
- babylon.js
- backbone.js
- balanced-match.js
- base-64.js
- base-x.js
- base64-arraybuffer.js
- base64-js.js
- base64url.js
- basic-auth.js
- bcrypt.js
- bcryptjs.js
- better-assert.js
- big-integer.js
- big.js
- bignumber.js
- bindings.js
- bizcharts.js
- bl.js
- blessed.js
- bluebird.js
- bn.js
- body-parser.js
- boolbase.js
- boom.js
- bootstrap.js
- bower.js
- boxen.js
- brace-expansion.js
- braces.js
- broccoli-funnel.js
- broccoli-merge-trees.js
- broccoli-persistent-filter.js
- broccoli-plugin.js
- broccoli-source.js
- browser-sync.js
- browserify.js
- bs58.js
- bson.js
- buffer-crc32.js
- buffer-from.js
- buffer.js
- builtins.js
- bunyan.js
- busboy.js
- bytes.js
- callsite.js
- camel-case.js
- camelcase.js
- canvas.js
- capacitor.js
- caseless.js
- chai.js
- chalk.js
- change-case.js
- charenc.js
- chart.js
- check-error.js
- cheerio.js
- child_process.js
- chokidar.js
- classnames.js
- clean-css.js
- cli-boxes.js
- cli-color.js
- cli-cursor.js
- cli-spinners.js
- cli-table.js
- cli-width.js
- cli.js
- clipboard.js
- cliui.js
- clone.js
- co.js
- codemirror.js
- coffee-script.js
- coffeescript.js
- color-convert.js
- color-name.js
- color-string.js
- color.js
- colors.js
- combined-stream.js
- command-line-args.js
- commander.js
- component-emitter.js
- compression.js
- concat-map.js
- concat-stream.js
- config.js
- configstore.js
- confusing-browser-globals.js
- connect.js
- content-disposition.js
- content-type.js
- convert-source-map.js
- cookie-parser.js
- cookie-signature.js
- cookie.js
- cookiejar.js
- core-js.js
- core-util-is.js
- cors.js
- cosmiconfig.js
- create-hash.js
- create-react-class.js
- cron.js
- cross-env.js
- cross-fetch.js
- cross-spawn.js
- crypt.js
- crypto-js.js
- crypto.js
- css-in-js-utils.js
- css-loader.js
- css-select.js
- css.js
- csv-parse.js
- csv.js
- cuid.js
- d.js
- d3-array.js
- d3-color.js
- d3-interpolate.js
- d3-path.js
- d3-scale.js
- d3-selection.js
- d3.js
- dargs.js
- datafire.js
- date-fns.js
- date-format.js
- dateformat.js
- dayjs.js
- deasync.js
- debounce.js
- debug.js
- decamelize.js
- decode-uri-component.js
- decompress-response.js
- deep-diff.js
- deep-eql.js
- deep-equal.js
- deep-extend.js
- deepmerge.js
- defaults.js
- define-properties.js
- del.js
- delay.js
- delayed-stream.js
- depd.js
- detect-conflict.js
- detect-libc.js
- diagnostics.js
- dicer.js
- diff.js
- discord.js
- doctrine.js
- dom-helpers.js
- dom-serializer.js
- dom-walk.js
- domelementtype.js
- domhandler.js
- domutils.js
- dot-prop.js
- dotenv.js
- double-ended-queue.js
- download-git-repo.js
- download.js
- dtrace-provider.js
- duplexer.js
- duplexer2.js
- duplexify.js
- echarts.js
- editions.js
- ee-first.js
- ejs.js
- elasticsearch.js
- electron.js
- element-ui.js
- elliptic.js
- ember-cli-babel.js
- ember-cli-htmlbars.js
- ember-cli-version-checker.js
- emoji-regex.js
- emojis-list.js
- emotion.js
- encodeurl.js
- end-of-stream.js
- engine.js
- enhanced-resolve.js
- ensure-posix-path.js
- entities.js
- errlop.js
- errno.js
- error.js
- es-abstract.js
- es5-ext.js
- es6-error.js
- es6-iterator.js
- es6-promise.js
- es6-promisify.js
- es6-symbol.js
- escape-html.js
- escape-string-regexp.js
- escodegen.js
- eslint-config-airbnb-base.js
- eslint-config-airbnb.js
- eslint-config-prettier.js
- eslint-plugin-flowtype.js
- eslint-plugin-import.js
- eslint-plugin-jsx-a11y.js
- eslint-plugin-prettier.js
- eslint-plugin-react.js
- eslint-scope.js
- eslint-visitor-keys.js
- eslint.js
- esm.js
- esprima.js
- estraverse.js
- estree-walker.js
- esutils.js
- etag.js
- ethereumjs-util.js
- event-emitter.js
- event-stream.js
- eventemitter2.js
- eventemitter3.js
- events.js
- execa.js
- exenv.js
- exit.js
- express-session.js
- express.js
- extend-shallow.js
- extend.js
- external-editor.js
- extract-text-webpack-plugin.js
- extract-zip.js
- faker.js
- fancy-log.js
- fast-deep-equal.js
- fast-diff.js
- fast-glob.js
- fast-json-stable-stringify.js
- fast-safe-stringify.js
- fastify-plugin.js
- fbjs.js
- ffi.js
- fibers.js
- figlet.js
- figures.js
- file-loader.js
- file-type.js
- file-uri-to-path.js
- fill-range.js
- finalhandler.js
- find-cache-dir.js
- find-up.js
- findup-sync.js
- firebase.js
- flat.js
- fn.js
- follow-redirects.js
- font-awesome.js
- foreachasync.js
- forever-agent.js
- form-data.js
- formidable.js
- fortawesome.js
- fresh.js
- fs-extra.js
- fs.js
- fsevents.js
- function-bind.js
- gaze.js
- generic-pool.js
- get-caller-file.js
- get-func-name.js
- get-stdin.js
- get-stream.js
- gh-got.js
- git-clone.js
- github-username.js
- github.js
- gl-matrix.js
- glob-parent.js
- glob-watcher.js
- glob.js
- global.js
- globby.js
- globule.js
- gm.js
- google-auth-library.js
- googleapis.js
- got.js
- graceful-fs.js
- graphql-tag.js
- graphql-tools.js
- graphql.js
- grpc.js
- grunt.js
- gulp-cli.js
- gulp-rename.js
- gulp-uglify.js
- gulp-util.js
- gulp.js
- hammerjs.js
- handlebars.js
- hapi.js
- har-schema.js
- har-validator.js
- has-binary2.js
- has-flag.js
- has-symbols.js
- has.js
- hash-for-dep.js
- he.js
- heimdalljs.js
- hexlet-pairs.js
- highlight.js
- history.js
- hoek.js
- hogan.js
- hoist-non-react-statics.js
- html-entities.js
- html-minifier.js
- html-webpack-plugin.js
- htmlparser2.js
- http-errors.js
- http-proxy.js
- http-signature.js
- http.js
- https-proxy-agent.js
- hyphenate-style-name.js
- iconv-lite.js
- ieee754.js
- ignore.js
- image-size.js
- immediate.js
- immer.js
- immutable.js
- import-local.js
- indent-string.js
- indexof.js
- inflection.js
- inflight.js
- inherits.js
- ini.js
- inline-style-prefixer.js
- inquirer.js
- invariant.js
- ioredis.js
- ip-regex.js
- ip.js
- ipaddr.js
- is-arguments.js
- is-buffer.js
- is-extendable.js
- is-extglob.js
- is-fullwidth-code-point.js
- is-generator-function.js
- is-glob.js
- is-number.js
- is-obj.js
- is-plain-obj.js
- is-plain-object.js
- is-promise.js
- is-stream.js
- is-typedarray.js
- is-wsl.js
- is.js
- isarray.js
- isemail.js
- isexe.js
- isobject.js
- isomorphic-fetch.js
- isstream.js
- istanbul.js
- istextorbinary.js
- iterall.js
- jade.js
- jest-cli.js
- jest.js
- jimp.js
- joi.js
- jquery.js
- js-base64.js
- js-beautify.js
- js-cookie.js
- js-tokens.js
- js-yaml.js
- jsdom.js
- jshint.js
- json-schema-traverse.js
- json-stable-stringify.js
- json-stringify-safe.js
- json5.js
- jsonfile.js
- jsonify.js
- jsonparse.js
- jsonschema.js
- jsonstream.js
- jsonwebtoken.js
- jsprim.js
- jszip.js
- keypress.js
- kind-of.js
- knex.js
- koa-compose.js
- koa-router.js
- koa.js
- leaflet.js
- less-loader.js
- less.js
- lie.js
- linclark.js
- lit-element.js
- lit-html.js
- loader-utils.js
- localforage.js
- locate-path.js
- lodash-es.js
- lodash.js
- log-symbols.js
- log4js.js
- logform.js
- loglevel.js
- long.js
- loose-envify.js
- lower-case.js
- lru-cache.js
- make-dir.js
- map-stream.js
- markdown-it.js
- markdown.js
- marked.js
- material-ui.js
- mathjs.js
- md5.js
- media-typer.js
- mem-fs-editor.js
- memoize-one.js
- memoizee.js
- memory-fs.js
- meow.js
- merge-descriptors.js
- merge.js
- methods.js
- micromatch.js
- mime-db.js
- mime-types.js
- mime.js
- mimic-fn.js
- mimic-response.js
- min-document.js
- minimatch.js
- minimist.js
- minipass.js
- mkdirp.js
- mobx.js
- mocha.js
- moment-timezone.js
- moment.js
- mongodb.js
- mongoose.js
- morgan.js
- mout.js
- mqtt.js
- ms.js
- mssql.js
- multer.js
- multimatch.js
- mustache.js
- mute-stream.js
- mv.js
- mysql.js
- mysql2.js
- mz.js
- nan.js
- nanoid.js
- nconf.js
- ncp.js
- nedb.js
- needle.js
- negotiator.js
- neo-async.js
- next-tick.js
- nice-try.js
- no-case.js
- noble.js
- node-addon-api.js
- node-forge.js
- node-gyp-build.js
- node-gyp.js
- node-notifier.js
- node-pre-gyp.js
- node-sass.js
- node-uuid.js
- node.js
- nodemailer.js
- nodemon.js
- nomnom.js
- nopt.js
- normalize-package-data.js
- normalize-path.js
- normalize-url.js
- normalize.js
- npm.js
- npmlog.js
- numeral.js
- nunjucks.js
- oauth-sign.js
- oauth.js
- object-assign.js
- object-hash.js
- object-keys.js
- object-path.js
- object.js
- oclif.js
- on-finished.js
- on-headers.js
- once.js
- one-time.js
- onetime.js
- open.js
- opn.js
- optimist.js
- optionator.js
- ora.js
- os-homedir.js
- os-tmpdir.js
- osenv.js
- p-limit.js
- p-locate.js
- p-map.js
- p-try.js
- pad-component.js
- pako.js
- parse5.js
- parseurl.js
- passport-oauth.js
- passport-oauth1.js
- passport-oauth2.js
- passport-strategy.js
- passport.js
- path-exists.js
- path-is-absolute.js
- path-key.js
- path-parse.js
- path-to-regexp.js
- path.js
- pathval.js
- pegjs.js
- performance-now.js
- pg.js
- phantomjs-prebuilt.js
- phantomjs.js
- phosphor.js
- picomatch.js
- pify.js
- pino.js
- pkg-dir.js
- pkginfo.js
- plist.js
- plugin-error.js
- pluralize.js
- pngjs.js
- polished.js
- polymer.js
- popper.js
- postcss-loader.js
- postcss-selector-parser.js
- postcss-value-parser.js
- postcss.js
- preact.js
- prebuild-install.js
- prelude-ls.js
- prettier.js
- pretty-bytes.js
- prettyjson.js
- prismjs.js
- private.js
- process.js
- progress.js
- promise-polyfill.js
- promise.js
- prompt.js
- prop-types.js
- protobufjs.js
- proxy-addr.js
- prr.js
- psl.js
- pug.js
- pull-stream.js
- pump.js
- punycode.js
- puppeteer.js
- q.js
- qs.js
- query-string.js
- querystring.js
- querystringify.js
- quill.js
- raf.js
- ramda.js
- randomstring.js
- range-parser.js
- raw-body.js
- rc.js
- react-bootstrap.js
- react-dom.js
- react-is.js
- react-lifecycles-compat.js
- react-native-vector-icons.js
- react-native.js
- react-redux.js
- react-router-dom.js
- react-router.js
- react-scripts.js
- react-select.js
- react-transition-group.js
- react.js
- read-chunk.js
- read-pkg-up.js
- read-pkg.js
- read.js
- readable-stream.js
- readdirp.js
- readline-sync.js
- recast.js
- recompose.js
- recursive-readdir.js
- redis-commands.js
- redis-errors.js
- redis-parser.js
- redis.js
- redux-actions.js
- redux-saga.js
- redux-thunk.js
- redux.js
- ref.js
- reflect-metadata.js
- regenerator-runtime.js
- replace-ext.js
- request-promise-core.js
- request-promise-native.js
- request-promise.js
- request.js
- require-directory.js
- require-main-filename.js
- requireindex.js
- requirejs.js
- requires-port.js
- require_optional.js
- reselect.js
- resize-observer-polyfill.js
- resolve-from.js
- resolve.js
- restify.js
- restler.js
- restore-cursor.js
- retry.js
- rimraf.js
- rollup-pluginutils.js
- rollup.js
- rsvp.js
- run-async.js
- rx.js
- rxjs.js
- safe-buffer.js
- safe-json-stringify.js
- safer-buffer.js
- sailshq.js
- sass-loader.js
- sax.js
- scheduler.js
- schema-utils.js
- semver.js
- send.js
- sequelize.js
- serialport.js
- serve-static.js
- set-blocking.js
- setimmediate.js
- setprototypeof.js
- sha.js
- shallowequal.js
- sharp.js
- shebang-command.js
- shebang-regex.js
- shelljs.js
- shortid.js
- should-type.js
- should.js
- sift.js
- signal-exit.js
- simple-get.js
- simple-git.js
- sinon.js
- slash.js
- sliced.js
- snekfetch.js
- soap.js
- socket.js
- source-list-map.js
- source-map-support.js
- source-map.js
- sparkles.js
- split-on-first.js
- split.js
- split2.js
- sprintf-js.js
- sqlite3.js
- sqlstring.js
- ssh2-streams.js
- ssh2.js
- sshpk.js
- stack-trace.js
- statuses.js
- stealthy-require.js
- stencil.js
- streamsearch.js
- strict-uri-encode.js
- string-template.js
- string-width.js
- string.js
- string_decoder.js
- strip-ansi.js
- strip-bom.js
- strip-json-comments.js
- style-loader.js
- styled-components.js
- stylelint-config-recommended.js
- stylelint-config-standard.js
- stylelint-order.js
- stylelint.js
- stylus.js
- superagent.js
- supports-color.js
- svgo.js
- symbol-observable.js
- sync-request.js
- taketalk.js
- tapable.js
- tape.js
- tar-fs.js
- tar.js
- temp.js
- text-table.js
- thenify-all.js
- thenify.js
- three.js
- throttle-debounce.js
- through.js
- through2.js
- tiny-emitter.js
- tiny-invariant.js
- tiny-warning.js
- tinycolor2.js
- tmp.js
- to-fast-properties.js
- to-regex-range.js
- topo.js
- tough-cookie.js
- traverse.js
- triple-beam.js
- ts-node.js
- tslib.js
- tslint-eslint-rules.js
- tslint.js
- tsutils.js
- tunnel-agent.js
- turf.js
- tweetnacl.js
- type-detect.js
- type-fest.js
- type-is.js
- type.js
- typedarray.js
- types.js
- typescript.js
- ua-parser-js.js
- uglify-js.js
- uid2.js
- underscore.js
- undertaker.js
- unique-random-array.js
- unique-random.js
- unirest.js
- unist-util-is.js
- unist-util-visit.js
- universalify.js
- unzip.js
- update-notifier.js
- upper-case.js
- uri-js.js
- urijs.js
- url-join.js
- url-loader.js
- url-parse.js
- url.js
- urllib.js
- user.js
- utf8.js
- util-deprecate.js
- util.js
- utils-merge.js
- uuid.js
- validate-npm-package-name.js
- validator.js
- vary.js
- verror.js
- vinyl-fs.js
- vinyl-sourcemaps-apply.js
- vinyl.js
- vue-class-component.js
- vue-hot-reload-api.js
- vue-router.js
- vue-template-compiler.js
- vue.js
- vuex.js
- walk.js
- warning.js
- wcwidth.js
- web3-utils.js
- web3.js
- webassemblyjs.js
- webcomponents.js
- webpack-cli.js
- webpack-dev-server.js
- webpack-sources.js
- webpack.js
- websocket.js
- whatwg-fetch.js
- when.js
- which-module.js
- which.js
- windows.js
- winston-transport.js
- winston.js
- wordwrap.js
- wrap-ansi.js
- wrappy.js
- wrench.js
- write-file-atomic.js
- ws.js
- xlsx.js
- xml-js.js
- xml2js.js
- xmlbuilder.js
- xmldom.js
- xmlhttprequest.js
- xregexp.js
- xtend.js
- y18n.js
- yallist.js
- yaml.js
- yamljs.js
- yargs-parser.js
- yargs.js
- yeoman-environment.js
- yeoman-generator.js
- yosay.js
- zone.js
- zrender.js