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Squash Commits (#39)
Browse files Browse the repository at this point in the history
* Upgrade to v1.2 (#35)

* auto-commit: gh-pages

* auto-commit: gh-pages

* Fix for Wagmi2.0 and RainbowKit1.0 migration

* auto-commit: gh-pages

* auto-commit: gh-pages

* auto-commit: gh-pages

* Fix for Wagmi2.0 and RainbowKit1.0 migration: 2

* auto-commit: gh-pages

* auto-commit: gh-pages

* Fix for Wagmi2.0 and RainbowKit1.0 migration: 3

* auto-commit: gh-pages

* auto-commit: gh-pages

* auto-commit: gh-pages

* auto-commit: gh-pages

* auto-commit: gh-pages

* auto-commit: gh-pages

* auto-commit: gh-pages

* auto-commit: gh-pages

* rSync

* auto-commit: gh-pages

* Mainnet Ready

* auto-commit: gh-pages

* Refresh buttons

* auto-commit: gh-pages

* auto-commit: gh-pages

* Search function

* auto-commit: gh-pages

* auto-commit: gh-pages

* auto-commit: gh-pages

* auto-commit: gh-pages

* Testing Goerli-v7

* HTTP Gateway Integration

* auto-commit: gh-pages

* HTTP Gateway Integration: 2

* auto-commit: gh-pages

* auto-commit: gh-pages

* Finetune

* Confirmation tab for Ownerhash

* auto-commit: gh-pages

* Caching while setting Ownerhash

* auto-commit: gh-pages

* Some triggers fixed

* auto-commit: gh-pages

* Signer Signature

* auto-commit: gh-pages

* Export Signatures

* Fix for queue

* Finetune: 2

* auto-commit: gh-pages

* auto-commit: gh-pages

* Finetune: 3

* auto-commit: gh-pages

* Update Signature text for SIG1

* auto-commit: gh-pages

* Password Dialogue improvements

* auto-commit: gh-pages

* Bad Password Break

* auto-commit: gh-pages

* auto-commit: gh-pages

* auto-commit: gh-pages

* auto-commit: gh-pages

* auto-commit: gh-pages

* auto-commit: gh-pages

* auto-commit: gh-pages

* auto-commit: gh-pages

* auto-commit: gh-pages

* auto-commit: gh-pages

* auto-commit: gh-pages

* auto-commit: gh-pages

* auto-commit: gh-pages

* auto-commit: gh-pages

* auto-commit: gh-pages

* auto-commit: gh-pages

* auto-commit: gh-pages

* auto-commit: gh-pages

* auto-commit: gh-pages

* auto-commit: gh-pages

* auto-commit: gh-pages

* Several bug fixes

* auto-commit: gh-pages

* auto-commit: gh-pages

* auto-commit: gh-pages

* auto-commit: gh-pages

* auto-commit: gh-pages

* auto-commit: gh-pages

* Preview Panel Load Fix

* auto-commit: gh-pages

* auto-commit: gh-pages

* auto-commit: gh-pages

* rSync

* fast

* Merge rSync

* auto-commit: gh-pages

* auto-commit: gh-pages

* auto-commit: gh-pages

* auto-commit: gh-pages

* auto-commit: gh-pages

* auto-commit: gh-pages

* auto-commit: gh-pages

* auto-commit: gh-pages

* auto-commit: gh-pages

* Mainnet Release: v1.0.0

* PWA and other improvements

* Support for NFT avatars (#17)

* auto-commit: gh-pages

* auto-commit: gh-pages

* auto-commit: gh-pages

* auto-commit: gh-pages

* auto-commit: gh-pages

* auto-commit: gh-pages

* auto-commit: gh-pages

* auto-commit: gh-pages

* NFT Avatar Support

* Emoji Support (#18)

* Support for NFT avatars

* Emoji Support

* auto-commit: gh-pages

* auto-commit: gh-pages

* auto-commit: gh-pages

* auto-commit: gh-pages

* auto-commit: gh-pages

* auto-commit: gh-pages

* auto-commit: gh-pages

* auto-commit: gh-pages

* auto-commit: gh-pages

* auto-commit: gh-pages

* auto-commit: gh-pages

* auto-commit: gh-pages

* auto-commit: gh-pages

* auto-commit: gh-pages

* auto-commit: gh-pages

* auto-commit: gh-pages

* auto-commit: gh-pages

* auto-commit: gh-pages

* auto-commit: gh-pages

* auto-commit: gh-pages

* auto-commit: gh-pages

* auto-commit: gh-pages

* Client Help Page

* auto-commit: gh-pages

* auto-commit: gh-pages

* auto-commit: gh-pages

* auto-commit: gh-pages

* Cleanup keygen.ts

* auto-commit: gh-pages

* Minor Fixes in Search Tab

* auto-commit: gh-pages

* Minor Fixes in Search Tab: 2

* auto-commit: gh-pages

* rSync

* Labels on Export Fields & GoDID Link

* auto-commit: gh-pages

* IPFS Hash Export

* auto-commit: gh-pages

* IPFS Hash Export: 2

* IPFS Hash Export: 3

* auto-commit: gh-pages

* Fix for names with Config

* auto-commit: gh-pages

* Fix Manager vs Owner issue

* auto-commit: gh-pages

* auto-commit: gh-pages

* auto-commit: gh-pages

* Contenthash Regex Fix

* Minor Fixes

* auto-commit: gh-pages

* rSync

* Minor Makeup

* Security Fixes

* auto-commit: gh-pages

* Stealth Payment (#24)


* Stealth Payments

* auto-commit: gh-pages

* auto-commit: gh-pages

* Stealth Payments: 2

* Stealth Payments: 3

* auto-commit: gh-pages

* Stealth Payments: Finetune

* Stealth Payments: Finetune 2

* WIP: Gateway

* WIP: Gateway as Ownerhash

* auto-commit: gh-pages


* Stealth Payments & Gateways

* Stealth Payments & Gateways: 2

* auto-commit: gh-pages

* auto-commit: gh-pages

* auto-commit: gh-pages

* Socials and Addresses

* auto-commit: gh-pages

* auto-commit: gh-pages

* auto-commit: gh-pages

* Socials and Addresses: 2

* auto-commit: gh-pages

* auto-commit: gh-pages

* auto-commit: gh-pages

* auto-commit: gh-pages

* auto-commit: gh-pages

* auto-commit: gh-pages

* auto-commit: gh-pages

* auto-commit: gh-pages

* auto-commit: gh-pages

* auto-commit: gh-pages

* auto-commit: gh-pages

* auto-commit: gh-pages

* Several Fixes

* non-BTC coinTypes

* non-BTC coinTypes: 2

* auto-commit: gh-pages

* auto-commit: gh-pages

* Block non-BTC coinTypes

* auto-commit: gh-pages

* auto-commit: gh-pages

* Minor Fixes

* v1.1-beta

* auto-commit: gh-pages

* rSync 'dev' (#29)

* v1.1-beta (#27)

* auto-commit: gh-pages

* auto-commit: gh-pages

* auto-commit: gh-pages

* auto-commit: gh-pages

* auto-commit: gh-pages

* auto-commit: gh-pages

* auto-commit: gh-pages

* auto-commit: gh-pages

* auto-commit: gh-pages

* RainbowKit placement fix

* auto-commit: gh-pages

* auto-commit: gh-pages

* auto-commit: gh-pages

* auto-commit: gh-pages

* auto-commit: gh-pages

* RainbowKit styling

* auto-commit: gh-pages

* auto-commit: gh-pages

* auto-commit: gh-pages

* auto-commit: gh-pages

* auto-commit: gh-pages

* auto-commit: gh-pages

* auto-commit: gh-pages

* auto-commit: gh-pages

* auto-commit: gh-pages

* auto-commit: gh-pages

* auto-commit: gh-pages

* Fix for Wagmi2.0 and RainbowKit1.0 migration

* auto-commit: gh-pages

* auto-commit: gh-pages

* auto-commit: gh-pages

* Fix for Wagmi2.0 and RainbowKit1.0 migration: 2

* auto-commit: gh-pages

* auto-commit: gh-pages

* Fix for Wagmi2.0 and RainbowKit1.0 migration: 3

* auto-commit: gh-pages

* auto-commit: gh-pages

* auto-commit: gh-pages

* auto-commit: gh-pages

* auto-commit: gh-pages

* auto-commit: gh-pages

* auto-commit: gh-pages

* auto-commit: gh-pages

* rSync

* auto-commit: gh-pages

* Mainnet Ready

* auto-commit: gh-pages

* Refresh buttons

* auto-commit: gh-pages

* auto-commit: gh-pages

* Search function

* auto-commit: gh-pages

* auto-commit: gh-pages

* auto-commit: gh-pages

* auto-commit: gh-pages

* Testing Goerli-v7

* HTTP Gateway Integration

* auto-commit: gh-pages

* HTTP Gateway Integration: 2

* auto-commit: gh-pages

* auto-commit: gh-pages

* Finetune

* Confirmation tab for Ownerhash

* auto-commit: gh-pages

* Caching while setting Ownerhash

* auto-commit: gh-pages

* Some triggers fixed

* auto-commit: gh-pages

* Signer Signature

* auto-commit: gh-pages

* Export Signatures

* Fix for queue

* Finetune: 2

* auto-commit: gh-pages

* auto-commit: gh-pages

* Finetune: 3

* auto-commit: gh-pages

* Update Signature text for SIG1

* auto-commit: gh-pages

* Password Dialogue improvements

* auto-commit: gh-pages

* Bad Password Break

* auto-commit: gh-pages

* auto-commit: gh-pages

* auto-commit: gh-pages

* auto-commit: gh-pages

* auto-commit: gh-pages

* auto-commit: gh-pages

* auto-commit: gh-pages

* auto-commit: gh-pages

* auto-commit: gh-pages

* auto-commit: gh-pages

* auto-commit: gh-pages

* auto-commit: gh-pages

* auto-commit: gh-pages

* auto-commit: gh-pages

* auto-commit: gh-pages

* auto-commit: gh-pages

* auto-commit: gh-pages

* auto-commit: gh-pages

* auto-commit: gh-pages

* auto-commit: gh-pages

* auto-commit: gh-pages

* Several bug fixes

* auto-commit: gh-pages

* auto-commit: gh-pages

* auto-commit: gh-pages

* auto-commit: gh-pages

* auto-commit: gh-pages

* auto-commit: gh-pages

* Preview Panel Load Fix

* auto-commit: gh-pages

* auto-commit: gh-pages

* auto-commit: gh-pages

* rSync

* fast

* Merge rSync

* auto-commit: gh-pages

* auto-commit: gh-pages

* auto-commit: gh-pages

* auto-commit: gh-pages

* auto-commit: gh-pages

* auto-commit: gh-pages

* auto-commit: gh-pages

* auto-commit: gh-pages

* auto-commit: gh-pages

* Mainnet Release: v1.0.0

* PWA and other improvements

* Support for NFT avatars (#17)

* auto-commit: gh-pages

* auto-commit: gh-pages

* auto-commit: gh-pages

* auto-commit: gh-pages

* auto-commit: gh-pages

* auto-commit: gh-pages

* auto-commit: gh-pages

* auto-commit: gh-pages

* NFT Avatar Support

* Emoji Support (#18)

* Support for NFT avatars

* Emoji Support

* auto-commit: gh-pages

* auto-commit: gh-pages

* auto-commit: gh-pages

* auto-commit: gh-pages

* auto-commit: gh-pages

* auto-commit: gh-pages

* auto-commit: gh-pages

* auto-commit: gh-pages

* auto-commit: gh-pages

* auto-commit: gh-pages

* auto-commit: gh-pages

* auto-commit: gh-pages

* auto-commit: gh-pages

* auto-commit: gh-pages

* auto-commit: gh-pages

* auto-commit: gh-pages

* auto-commit: gh-pages

* auto-commit: gh-pages

* auto-commit: gh-pages

* auto-commit: gh-pages

* auto-commit: gh-pages

* auto-commit: gh-pages

* Client Help Page

* auto-commit: gh-pages

* auto-commit: gh-pages

* auto-commit: gh-pages

* auto-commit: gh-pages

* Cleanup keygen.ts

* auto-commit: gh-pages

* Minor Fixes in Search Tab

* auto-commit: gh-pages

* Minor Fixes in Search Tab: 2

* auto-commit: gh-pages

* rSync

* Labels on Export Fields & GoDID Link

* auto-commit: gh-pages

* IPFS Hash Export

* auto-commit: gh-pages

* IPFS Hash Export: 2

* IPFS Hash Export: 3

* auto-commit: gh-pages

* Fix for names with Config

* auto-commit: gh-pages

* Fix Manager vs Owner issue

* auto-commit: gh-pages

* auto-commit: gh-pages

* auto-commit: gh-pages

* Contenthash Regex Fix

* Minor Fixes

* auto-commit: gh-pages

* rSync

* Minor Makeup

* Security Fixes

* auto-commit: gh-pages

* Stealth Payment (#24)


* Stealth Payments

* auto-commit: gh-pages

* auto-commit: gh-pages

* Stealth Payments: 2

* Stealth Payments: 3

* auto-commit: gh-pages

* Stealth Payments: Finetune

* Stealth Payments: Finetune 2

* WIP: Gateway

* WIP: Gateway as Ownerhash

* auto-commit: gh-pages


* Stealth Payments & Gateways

* Stealth Payments & Gateways: 2

* auto-commit: gh-pages

* auto-commit: gh-pages

* auto-commit: gh-pages

* Socials and Addresses

* auto-commit: gh-pages

* auto-commit: gh-pages

* auto-commit: gh-pages

* Socials and Addresses: 2

* auto-commit: gh-pages

* auto-commit: gh-pages

* auto-commit: gh-pages

* auto-commit: gh-pages

* auto-commit: gh-pages

* auto-commit: gh-pages

* auto-commit: gh-pages

* auto-commit: gh-pages

* auto-commit: gh-pages

* auto-commit: gh-pages

* auto-commit: gh-pages

* auto-commit: gh-pages

* Several Fixes

* non-BTC coinTypes

* non-BTC coinTypes: 2

* auto-commit: gh-pages

* auto-commit: gh-pages

* Block non-BTC coinTypes

* auto-commit: gh-pages

* auto-commit: gh-pages

* Minor Fixes

* v1.1-beta

* auto-commit: gh-pages

* auto-commit: gh-pages

* auto-commit: gh-pages

* v1.1-beta: 2

* auto-commit: gh-pages

* auto-commit: gh-pages

* Final v1.1-beta release

* auto-commit: gh-pages

* auto-commit: gh-pages

* auto-commit: gh-pages

* auto-commit: gh-pages

* auto-commit: gh-pages

* WebWorker for RSAGEN()

* rSync

* auto-commit: gh-pages

* auto-commit: gh-pages

* auto-commit: gh-pages

* auto-commit: gh-pages

* namesys-w3name integration

* Twitter/X and Socials TLD fixes

* rsync

* rsync 3

* housekeeping

* housekeeping: filename cleanup

* housekeeping: filename reinstate

* v1.2-alpha: ready for upgrade pending tests

* auto-commit: gh-pages

* auto-commit: gh-pages

* Upgrade to v1.2

* v1.3-beta: minor fix for merge

* rSync with main (#37) (#38)

* Upgrade to v1.2 (#35)

* auto-commit: gh-pages

* auto-commit: gh-pages

* Fix for Wagmi2.0 and RainbowKit1.0 migration

* auto-commit: gh-pages

* auto-commit: gh-pages

* auto-commit: gh-pages

* Fix for Wagmi2.0 and RainbowKit1.0 migration: 2

* auto-commit: gh-pages

* auto-commit: gh-pages

* Fix for Wagmi2.0 and RainbowKit1.0 migration: 3

* auto-commit: gh-pages

* auto-commit: gh-pages

* auto-commit: gh-pages

* auto-commit: gh-pages

* auto-commit: gh-pages

* auto-commit: gh-pages

* auto-commit: gh-pages

* auto-commit: gh-pages

* rSync

* auto-commit: gh-pages

* Mainnet Ready

* auto-commit: gh-pages

* Refresh buttons

* auto-commit: gh-pages

* auto-commit: gh-pages

* Search function

* auto-commit: gh-pages

* auto-commit: gh-pages

* auto-commit: gh-pages

* auto-commit: gh-pages

* Testing Goerli-v7

* HTTP Gateway Integration

* auto-commit: gh-pages

* HTTP Gateway Integration: 2

* auto-commit: gh-pages

* auto-commit: gh-pages

* Finetune

* Confirmation tab for Ownerhash

* auto-commit: gh-pages

* Caching while setting Ownerhash

* auto-commit: gh-pages

* Some triggers fixed

* auto-commit: gh-pages

* Signer Signature

* auto-commit: gh-pages

* Export Signatures

* Fix for queue

* Finetune: 2

* auto-commit: gh-pages

* auto-commit: gh-pages

* Finetune: 3

* auto-commit: gh-pages

* Update Signature text for SIG1

* auto-commit: gh-pages

* Password Dialogue improvements

* auto-commit: gh-pages

* Bad Password Break

* auto-commit: gh-pages

* auto-commit: gh-pages

* auto-commit: gh-pages

* auto-commit: gh-pages

* auto-commit: gh-pages

* auto-commit: gh-pages

* auto-commit: gh-pages

* auto-commit: gh-pages

* auto-commit: gh-pages

* auto-commit: gh-pages

* auto-commit: gh-pages

* auto-commit: gh-pages

* auto-commit: gh-pages

* auto-commit: gh-pages

* auto-commit: gh-pages

* auto-commit: gh-pages

* auto-commit: gh-pages

* auto-commit: gh-pages

* auto-commit: gh-pages

* auto-commit: gh-pages

* auto-commit: gh-pages

* Several bug fixes

* auto-commit: gh-pages

* auto-commit: gh-pages

* auto-commit: gh-pages

* auto-commit: gh-pages

* auto-commit: gh-pages

* auto-commit: gh-pages

* Preview Panel Load Fix

* auto-commit: gh-pages

* auto-commit: gh-pages

* auto-commit: gh-pages

* rSync

* fast

* Merge rSync

* auto-commit: gh-pages

* auto-commit: gh-pages

* auto-commit: gh-pages

* auto-commit: gh-pages

* auto-commit: gh-pages

* auto-commit: gh-pages

* auto-commit: gh-pages

* auto-commit: gh-pages

* auto-commit: gh-pages

* Mainnet Release: v1.0.0

* PWA and other improvements

* Support for NFT avatars (#17)

* auto-commit: gh-pages

* auto-commit: gh-pages

* auto-commit: gh-pages

* auto-commit: gh-pages

* auto-commit: gh-pages

* auto-commit: gh-pages

* auto-commit: gh-pages

* auto-commit: gh-pages

* NFT Avatar Support

* Emoji Support (#18)

* Support for NFT avatars

* Emoji Support

* auto-commit: gh-pages

* auto-commit: gh-pages

* auto-commit: gh-pages

* auto-commit: gh-pages

* auto-commit: gh-pages

* auto-commit: gh-pages

* auto-commit: gh-pages

* auto-commit: gh-pages

* auto-commit: gh-pages

* auto-commit: gh-pages

* auto-commit: gh-pages

* auto-commit: gh-pages

* auto-commit: gh-pages

* auto-commit: gh-pages

* auto-commit: gh-pages

* auto-commit: gh-pages

* auto-commit: gh-pages

* auto-commit: gh-pages

* auto-commit: gh-pages

* auto-commit: gh-pages

* auto-commit: gh-pages

* auto-commit: gh-pages

* Client Help Page

* auto-commit: gh-pages

* auto-commit: gh-pages

* auto-commit: gh-pages

* auto-commit: gh-pages

* Cleanup keygen.ts

* auto-commit: gh-pages

* Minor Fixes in Search Tab

* auto-commit: gh-pages

* Minor Fixes in Search Tab: 2

* auto-commit: gh-pages

* rSync

* Labels on Export Fields & GoDID Link

* auto-commit: gh-pages

* IPFS Hash Export

* auto-commit: gh-pages

* IPFS Hash Export: 2

* IPFS Hash Export: 3

* auto-commit: gh-pages

* Fix for names with Config

* auto-commit: gh-pages

* Fix Manager vs Owner issue

* auto-commit: gh-pages

* auto-commit: gh-pages

* auto-commit: gh-pages

* Contenthash Regex Fix

* Minor Fixes

* auto-commit: gh-pages

* rSync

* Minor Makeup

* Security Fixes

* auto-commit: gh-pages

* Stealth Payment (#24)


* Stealth Payments

* auto-commit: gh-pages

* auto-commit: gh-pages

* Stealth Payments: 2

* Stealth Payments: 3

* auto-commit: gh-pages

* Stealth Payments: Finetune

* Stealth Payments: Finetune 2

* WIP: Gateway

* WIP: Gateway as Ownerhash

* auto-commit: gh-pages


* Stealth Payments & Gateways

* Stealth Payments & Gateways: 2

* auto-commit: gh-pages

* auto-commit: gh-pages

* auto-commit: gh-pages

* Socials and Addresses

* auto-commit: gh-pages

* auto-commit: gh-pages

* auto-commit: gh-pages

* Socials and Addresses: 2

* auto-commit: gh-pages

* auto-commit: gh-pages

* auto-commit: gh-pages

* auto-commit: gh-pages

* auto-commit: gh-pages

* auto-commit: gh-pages

* auto-commit: gh-pages

* auto-commit: gh-pages

* auto-commit: gh-pages

* auto-commit: gh-pages

* auto-commit: gh-pages

* auto-commit: gh-pages

* Several Fixes

* non-BTC coinTypes

* non-BTC coinTypes: 2

* auto-commit: gh-pages

* auto-commit: gh-pages

* Block non-BTC coinTypes

* auto-commit: gh-pages

* auto-commit: gh-pages

* Minor Fixes

* v1.1-beta

* auto-commit: gh-pages

* rSync 'dev' (#29)

* v1.1-beta (#27)

* auto-commit: gh-pages

* auto-commit: gh-pages

* auto-commit: gh-pages

* auto-commit: gh-pages

* auto-commit: gh-pages

* auto-commit: gh-pages

* auto-commit: gh-pages

* auto-commit: gh-pages

* auto-commit: gh-pages

* RainbowKit placement fix

* auto-commit: gh-pages

* auto-commit: gh-pages

* auto-commit: gh-pages

* auto-commit: gh-pages

* auto-commit: gh-pages

* RainbowKit styling

* auto-commit: gh-pages

* auto-commit: gh-pages

* auto-commit: gh-pages

* auto-commit: gh-pages

* auto-commit: gh-pages

* auto-commit: gh-pages

* auto-commit: gh-pages

* auto-commit: gh-pages

* auto-commit: gh-pages

* auto-commit: gh-pages

* auto-commit: gh-pages

* Fix for Wagmi2.0 and RainbowKit1.0 migration

* auto-commit: gh-pages

* auto-commit: gh-pages

* auto-commit: gh-pages

* Fix for Wagmi2.0 and RainbowKit1.0 migration: 2

* auto-commit: gh-pages

* auto-commit: gh-pages

* Fix for Wagmi2.0 and RainbowKit1.0 migration: 3

* auto-commit: gh-pages

* auto-commit: gh-pages

* auto-commit: gh-pages

* auto-commit: gh-pages

* auto-commit: gh-pages

* auto-commit: gh-pages

* auto-commit: gh-pages

* auto-commit: gh-pages

* rSync

* auto-commit: gh-pages

* Mainnet Ready

* auto-commit: gh-pages

* Refresh buttons

* auto-commit: gh-pages

* auto-commit: gh-pages

* Search function

* auto-commit: gh-pages

* auto-commit: gh-pages

* auto-commit: gh-pages

* auto-commit: gh-pages

* Testing Goerli-v7

* HTTP Gateway Integration

* auto-commit: gh-pages

* HTTP Gateway Integration: 2

* auto-commit: gh-pages

* auto-commit: gh-pages

* Finetune

* Confirmation tab for Ownerhash

* auto-commit: gh-pages

* Caching while setting Ownerhash

* auto-commit: gh-pages

* Some triggers fixed

* auto-commit: gh-pages

* Signer Signature

* auto-commit: gh-pages

* Export Signatures

* Fix for queue

* Finetune: 2

* auto-commit: gh-pages

* auto-commit: gh-pages

* Finetune: 3

* auto-commit: gh-pages

* Update Signature text for SIG1

* auto-commit: gh-pages

* Password Dialogue improvements

* auto-commit: gh-pages

* Bad Password Break

* auto-commit: gh-pages

* auto-commit: gh-pages

* auto-commit: gh-pages

* auto-commit: gh-pages

* auto-commit: gh-pages

* auto-commit: gh-pages

* auto-commit: gh-pages

* auto-commit: gh-pages

* auto-commit: gh-pages

* auto-commit: gh-pages

* auto-commit: gh-pages

* auto-commit: gh-pages

* auto-commit: gh-pages

* auto-commit: gh-pages

* auto-commit: gh-pages

* auto-commit: gh-pages

* auto-commit: gh-pages

* auto-commit: gh-pages

* auto-commit: gh-pages

* auto-commit: gh-pages

* auto-commit: gh-pages

* Several bug fixes

* auto-commit: gh-pages

* auto-commit: gh-pages

* auto-commit: gh-pages

* auto-commit: gh-pages

* auto-commit: gh-pages

* auto-commit: gh-pages

* Preview Panel Load Fix

* auto-commit: gh-pages

* auto-commit: gh-pages

* auto-commit: gh-pages

* rSync

* fast

* Merge rSync

* auto-commit: gh-pages

* auto-commit: gh-pages

* auto-commit: gh-pages

* auto-commit: gh-pages

* auto-commit: gh-pages

* auto-commit: gh-pages

* auto-commit: gh-pages

* auto-commit: gh-pages

* auto-commit: gh-pages

* Mainnet Release: v1.0.0

* PWA and other improvements

* Support for NFT avatars (#17)

* auto-commit: gh-pages

* auto-commit: gh-pages

* auto-commit: gh-pages

* auto-commit: gh-pages

* auto-commit: gh-pages

* auto-commit: gh-pages

* auto-commit: gh-pages

* auto-commit: gh-pages

* NFT Avatar Support

* Emoji Support (#18)

* Support for NFT avatars

* Emoji Support

* auto-commit: gh-pages

* auto-commit: gh-pages

* auto-commit: gh-pages

* auto-commit: gh-pages

* auto-commit: gh-pages

* auto-commit: gh-pages

* auto-commit: gh-pages

* auto-commit: gh-pages

* auto-commit: gh-pages

* auto-commit: gh-pages

* auto-commit: gh-pages

* auto-commit: gh-pages

* auto-commit: gh-pages

* auto-commit: gh-pages

* auto-commit: gh-pages

* auto-commit: gh-pages

* auto-commit: gh-pages

* auto-commit: gh-pages

* auto-commit: gh-pages

* auto-commit: gh-pages

* auto-commit: gh-pages

* auto-commit: gh-pages

* Client Help Page

* auto-commit: gh-pages

* auto-commit: gh-pages

* auto-commit: gh-pages

* auto-commit: gh-pages

* Cleanup keygen.ts

* auto-commit: gh-pages

* Minor Fixes in Search Tab

* auto-commit: gh-pages

* Minor Fixes in Search Tab: 2

* auto-commit: gh-pages

* rSync

* Labels on Export Fields & GoDID Link

* auto-commit: gh-pages

* IPFS Hash Export

* auto-commit: gh-pages

* IPFS Hash Export: 2

* IPFS Hash Export: 3

* auto-commit: gh-pages

* Fix for names with Config

* auto-commit: gh-pages

* Fix Manager vs Owner issue

* auto-commit: gh-pages

* auto-commit: gh-pages

* auto-commit: gh-pages

* Contenthash Regex Fix

* Minor Fixes

* auto-commit: gh-pages

* rSync

* Minor Makeup

* Security Fixes

* auto-commit: gh-pages

* Stealth Payment (#24)


* Stealth Payments

* auto-commit: gh-pages

* auto-commit: gh-pages

* Stealth Payments: 2

* Stealth Payments: 3

* auto-commit: gh-pages

* Stealth Payments: Finetune

* Stealth Payments: Finetune 2

* WIP: Gateway

* WIP: Gateway as Ownerhash

* auto-commit: gh-pages


* Stealth Payments & Gateways

* Stealth Payments & Gateways: 2

* auto-commit: gh-pages

* auto-commit: gh-pages

* auto-commit: gh-pages

* Socials and Addresses

* auto-commit: gh-pages

* auto-commit: gh-pages

* auto-commit: gh-pages

* Socials and Addresses: 2

* auto-commit: gh-pages

* auto-commit: gh-pages

* auto-commit: gh-pages

* auto-commit: gh-pages

* auto-commit: gh-pages

* auto-commit: gh-pages

* auto-commit: gh-pages

* auto-commit: gh-pages

* auto-commit: gh-pages

* auto-commit: gh-pages

* auto-commit: gh-pages

* auto-commit: gh-pages

* Several Fixes

* non-BTC coinTypes

* non-BTC coinTypes: 2

* auto-commit: gh-pages

* auto-commit: gh-pages

* Block non-BTC coinTypes

* auto-commit: gh-pages

* auto-commit: gh-pages

* Minor Fixes

* v1.1-beta

* auto-commit: gh-pages

* auto-commit: gh-pages

* auto-commit: gh-pages

* v1.1-beta: 2

* auto-commit: gh-pages

* auto-commit: gh-pages

* Final v1.1-beta release

* auto-commit: gh-pages

* auto-commit: gh-pages

* auto-commit: gh-pages

* auto-commit: gh-pages

* auto-commit: gh-pages

* WebWorker for RSAGEN()

* rSync

* auto-commit: gh-pages

* auto-commit: gh-pages

* auto-commit: gh-pages

* auto-commit: gh-pages

* namesys-w3name integration

* Twitter/X and Socials TLD fixes

* rsync

* rsync 3

* housekeeping

* housekeeping: filename cleanup

* housekeeping: filename reinstate

* v1.2-alpha: ready for upgrade pending tests

* auto-commit: gh-pages

* auto-commit: gh-pages

* Upgrade to v1.2

* v1.3-beta: minor fix for merge
  • Loading branch information
sshmatrix authored Dec 30, 2023
1 parent d56cb72 commit 0730bbc
Showing 0 changed files with 0 additions and 0 deletions.

0 comments on commit 0730bbc

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