Install the Folsom release of Openstack on Virtualbox thanks to Devstack (Openstack dev environment -- and Vagrant (
$ gem install vagrant
$ git clone
$ cd vagrant-devstack
$ ./ # This will add 2 Host-only networks in VirtualBox (careful if you already have some)
$ vagrant up
Grab a cup of coffee while the monster installs itself. This will download around 400mb of data, and the whole process takes around 20 minutes with a 1Mb/s connection.
Once finished, you can access Horizon (Openstack web admin interface) at, with login: admin and pass: Xxdmpzmd32
Go to, click on "Edit Rules" of the "default" Security Group. Add a rule, protocol TCP, from port 22, to port 22, and keep the default values for the others fields. This will open the SSH port for our VM.
Go to, click "Launch instance". Select "cirros-xxx" in the Image field, choose your instance name, keep the "m1.tiny flavor". In "Access & Security", create a new keypair, paste in the content of your .ssh/ key. Then finally click "Launch" to create your VM.
If everything goes well, your VM will have a status of "Active". In the "Actions" area, select "Associate floating IP", validate, and your VM will get a floating (public) IP, such as
$ ssh cirros@
The authenticity of host ' (' can't be established.
RSA key fingerprint is 57:dd:5c:9e:8a:c9:c5:26:63:3b:b2:f7:6f:3d:6a:66.
Are you sure you want to continue connecting (yes/no)? yes
Warning: Permanently added '' (RSA) to the list of known hosts.
And you're in your first VM!