The shiny new built-in LSP client is awesome, but a large portion of its features don't have any associated mappings or ex-commands, unlike the tags
feature. This kind of configuration is instead left up to the user, which can result in a lot of boilerplate.
This plugin attempts to fix that by providing basic mappings and user-commands.
-- packer.nvim
use 'nanotee/nvim-lsp-basics'
-- paq-nvim
paq 'nanotee/nvim-lsp-basics'
" vim-plug
Plug 'nanotee/nvim-lsp-basics'
Setup the plugin with nvim-lspconfig
on_attach = function(client, bufnr)
local basics = require('lsp_basics')
basics.make_lsp_commands(client, bufnr)
basics.make_lsp_mappings(client, bufnr)
See the docs for a list of user commands
Commands are created per buffer and only if the server has the associated capability. This way it's easy to tell at a glance what the server does or doesn't support.
Tab-completion is provided for commands that accept arguments (when applicable).