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Releases: naseif/Eyesense-Music-Bot


08 Dec 13:51
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Changes since 13.0.0:

  • Various fixes and improvements
  • Fixed the following commands causing crashes: [8ball, queue, lyrics]
  • Added progressbar to the nowPlaying command
  • Fixed a bug with delrole command where it was not responding after name change
  • Fixed ban, kick and unban commands crashing if a reason was not provided!
  • addrole and delrole now can take userid, mention or name as input!
  • bumped discord-player to the latest stable version.
  • Deleted helpers files and replaced them with my own devtools-ts npm package to reduce code in the repo.

Commits since 13.0.0:

  • 4286abf: Refactored code and removed the require lines of the old files | (@naseif)
  • 31aa8e9: Deleted unnecessary files since we are going to use devtools-ts instead | (@naseif)
  • 2f297ec: Added my devtools-ts to reduce code in the repo | (@naseif)
  • b5b43b1: [Update] added commands list hyperlink | (@naseif)
  • 750a900: [New] Added | (@naseif)
  • a67d7a7: [New] added spotifyBridge property to the queue options | (@naseif)
  • 54334f3: [Enhancement] edited commandsReadMe function to take second parameter | (@naseif)
  • ddf28a7: [Update] bumped discord-player version | (@naseif)
  • ebb8aaa: [Fix] fixed guildMemberAdd and guildMemberRemove not triggering! | (@naseif)
  • 675f982: [Fix] fixed guild events | (@naseif)
  • 92608a7: [Fix] looks like client.guilds.cache.size does not update after bot start, which makes it useless | (@naseif)
  • 46d8f12: [Fix] fix play command not working with users without avatar | (@naseif)
  • d6c7bbc: [Hotfix] revert last changes since they are causing problems with interactions | (@naseif)
  • 4244d16: [Fix] I really gotta stop forget to return from the function!! xD | (@naseif)
  • c9eda8f: [Enhancement] music embeds are now sent through the player events | (@naseif)
  • 063bb47: [Enhancement] No need to loop through the guilds list to get the size anymore | (@naseif)
  • 23f000d: [Update] bumped discord.js version | (@naseif)
  • 153f3c2: [Experiment] added Internal sharding option for testing | (@naseif)
  • 2c52592: [New] Added progressbar to nowplaying command | (@naseif)
  • a8a3f7b: Fixed a typo, ups! | (@naseif)
  • b0a759e: [Fix] updated usage info after commands name change for leavechannel and welcomechannel | (@naseif)
  • 6a2e3c1: [Fix] return after changing the nickname! | (@naseif)
  • 34b3fa9: [Fix] fixed unban command crashing if a reason was not provided! | (@naseif)
  • 756c16e: [Enhancement] addrole command now can take role mention, name or id! deleted useless code from the interaction function | (@naseif)
  • 2d41190: [Fix] enhanced delrole command. Now it can take role name, id or mention! | (@naseif)
  • 39e0675: [Fix] print all command including the interaction only commands (region, regionbyid) | (@naseif)
  • 7f8bcb4: [Fix] fixed ban command crashing if no reason was provided! | (@naseif)
  • 0ec3b63: [Fix] fixed kick command crashing if no reason was provided! | (@naseif)
  • b01abc5: [Enhancement] Various fixes for commands, print the messagecreate commands names and not the interaction! | (@naseif)
  • b543640: [Fix] Deleted removerole.js | (@naseif)
  • e2dfa54: [Fix] fixed delrole not responding | (@naseif)
  • 5b19d81: [Experiment] testing the audio playback speed with medium settings | (@naseif)
  • 4ba11c7: [Fix] fixed queue and lyrics crashing the bot if the text in embed was bigger than 4096. Added docs for play | (@naseif)
  • b3956fb: [Fix] deleted a typo in the help command | (@naseif)
  • 5d2656e: [Enhancement] Updated the help message | (@naseif)
  • 4a46129: [Enhancement] various fixes for the music commands | (@naseif)
  • 4e19fe3: [Enhancement] Deleated repeated code in playskip | (@naseif)
  • b1905fd: [New] Added interaction functionality for playlist command | (@naseif)
  • 1df6eda: [Enhancement] wrapped the play command in a class | (@naseif)
  • b1c0e28: [Fix] fixed 8ball command | (@naseif)
  • c409cc6: [Enhancement] Show configured message in the embed message | (@naseif)
  • eddbb25: [Fix] fixed welcome and leave not checking userinput when removing existing custom channel in the database | (@naseif)


18 Nov 10:15
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Changes since 12.0.0:

  • New Commands [welcome, leave, playlist].
  • playlist command allows you to save or delete a custom spotify, youtube or soundcloud playlist in the database and grant it an alias which will be used later to play the playlist!
  • skip now disables the repeat mode if it was activated.
  • Fixed lyrics command for the interaction event.
  • Fixed [8D, bassboost, reverse] filter commands aborting after trying to disable them.
  • Added guildMemberRemove event.
  • welcome command enables you to set a custom welcome channel instead of using the default one.
  • leave command enables you to set a custom leave channel instead of the default one.
  • Various fixes and improvements to other commands.

Commits since 12.0.0:

  • 86fca93: [Enhancement] Some formatting fixes | (@naseif)
  • 6b399dc: [Fix] fixed leave interaction options | (@naseif)
  • 49793df: [Update] Added interaction functionality for welcome and leave | (@naseif)
  • 0f1cb08: [New] Added guildMemberRemove event | (@naseif)
  • db858d1: [New] Added leave command which is basically a shallow copy of welcome but to set custom leave message for the guildMemberRemove event | (@naseif)
  • 535646f: [Fix] Fixed guildMemberAdd event sending the welcome message twice! | (@naseif)
  • 4fc315f: [Update] welcome command now also accepts id as channel identifier | (@naseif)
  • 1733e70: [Enhancement] Refactored guildMemberAdd | (@naseif)
  • 20219f4: [Enhancement] some formatting fixes | (@naseif)
  • 5eb8a69: [Update] updated bot description! | (@naseif)
  • 79f96d8: [New] Added welcome command to set a custom welcome message! | (@naseif)
  • a0a4798: [Enhancement] Removed unnecessary files from repo | (@naseif)
  • 67c7e75: [Fix] Added Auto search engine for play | (@naseif)
  • 6eea49d: [Enhancement] fixed 8D for interactions as well | (@naseif)
  • bf2643c: [Enhancement] fixed reverse filter not working properly | (@naseif)
  • 0715fd0: [Enhancement] volume command argument will now only take a number up to 100! | (@naseif)
  • c3da4b0: [Fix] fixed 8D command causing the music to stop after filter disable | (@naseif)
  • adc5299: [Fix] fixed bassboost command causing music to stop after filter disable | (@naseif)
  • 6d61d1f: [Fix] fixed lyrics command for interactions | (@naseif)
  • 320ed0d: [Fix] skip should also disable loop mode with interactions | (@naseif)
  • e8bd829: [Fix] skip now disables the repeat mode if it was activated! | (@naseif)
  • 45df016: [New] Command playlist can now also delete playlists from the database! | (@naseif)
  • a2f7367: [Fix] check if there is playlists in the database before sending the embed! | (@naseif)
  • 6970ea5: [Enhancement] playlist command now validates playlist url user input. Now a list of all available playlist aliases will be print to the error message if there are any | (@naseif)
  • fc64be3: [Fix] fixed repeat command showing no music is playing error message first | (@naseif)
  • 38283e9: [Fix] Users outside the bots voice channel should not be able to use the command! | (@naseif)
  • 8a63306: [Hotfix] playlist aliases are unique for each guild!! | (@naseif)
  • 5950034: [Enhancements] changed all error messages hex color and converted bloated template literals | (@naseif)
  • eb22f54: [Enhancement] replaced error messages hex color | (@naseif)
  • 81c28a0: [New] Added playlist command and fixed template literals in help command | (@naseif)
  • b8d4261: Deleted whitespaces | (@naseif)
  • 458ba21: added codefactor badge | (@naseif)


09 Nov 13:17
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Changes since 11.0.0:

  • Various fixes and improvements.
  • New Commands [gif, volume].
  • Fixed jump command not jumping at the exact given postition.
  • Improved nuke command to accept both id and channel mention.
  • Fixed 24/7 command skipping music directly after activating.
  • Fixed repeat command sending the success message twice in the text channel and setting the repeat mode always to QUEUE when trying to set it to AUTO_PLAY

Commits since 11.0.0:

  • 7d4adce: [Enhancement] fixed some spelling mistakes | (@naseif)
  • 221b82e: [Enhancement] fixed a typo in the skip embed message | (@naseif)
  • d11c369: [Enhancement] updated the leave message | (@naseif)
  • 84a0904: [Fix] fixed repeat command sending message twice and not changing the setRepead mode to AUTO | (@naseif)
  • 65e3307: [Fix] fix prefix parameter not defined in run | (@naseif)
  • 7d0db5d: [Fix] fixed 247 command | (@naseif)
  • 2296ae5: [Enhancement] fixed the logger | (@naseif)
  • e8a1b7e: [New] send a message to the channel when the channelEmpty event gets triggered | (@naseif)
  • 718e8a6: [New] Added volume command to change the bots volume | (@naseif)
  • 237df13: [Fix] fixed gif command crashing if the data array was empty! | (@naseif)
  • c55aa11: [New] getTextChannelFromMention function to parse text channels | (@naseif)
  • d868d3f: [Enhancement] nuke a text channel by id and mention. Both are possible now | (@naseif)
  • 3d1e7e1: [Enhancement] return if the api key is not defined! | (@naseif)
  • 9d20d90: [Fix] added GiphyKey property in config.example.json | (@naseif)
  • 62e1080: [New] Added gif command using the Giphy API. A Giphy API Key is needed to run this command! | (@naseif)
  • ee3a027: [Enhancement] renamed removerole to delrole | (@naseif)
  • 91bf51f: [Fix] commands can only be used if the message author is in the same channel as the bot | (@naseif)
  • 2176703: [Fix] only skip song if user is in the same voice channel as the bot | (@naseif)
  • 87d428a: [Enhancement] allow server owners to play music and use other commands without DJ role | (@naseif)
  • 9617281: [Fix] jump at the exact position that was given | (@naseif)
  • a1a9027: [Enhancement] show songs number in the queue for the jump command | (@naseif)


03 Nov 10:18
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Changes since 10.0.0:

  • Fixed bugs with searchmovie command, guildMemberAdd event and play command.
  • Fixed breaking changes after the latest update of play-dl. all issues with spotify and soundcloud should be gone now.
  • No need to go through soundcloud configuration anymore thanks to play-dl
  • Added DJ command and updated all other commands to work well with it. Only users who have the DJ role will be able to use the bot for music.
  • Added jump command to jump in the queue at certain position.
  • Fixed play command with interaction.
  • Improved the code quality and fixed some bugs thanks to the beta testers!
  • Added nuke command which deletes a text channel and recreates it with the same permission.
  • Updated README for instructions

Commits since 10.0.0:


19 Oct 09:43
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Changes since 9.0.0:

  • Fixed bot not playing music correctly from soundcloud and Spotify
  • Using play-dl now for all platforms for more stable experience
  • Fixed all discovered bugs
  • Added searchanime, searchmovie and playskip commands. First 2 are self explanatory. playskip command works just like play, difference is that it skips the current playing song and plays the new one directly
  • Using Genius API now for lyrics instead of discord-player lyrics extractor, however an APIKEY is required.

Commits since 9.0.0:

  • f2e9e73: [Enhancement] Updated error message if song not found | (@naseif)
  • b95046e: [Fix] Add TMDb token property to config.json | (@naseif)
  • adbd419: Send bot avatar in embed if the user has no avatar. Fix for all commands | (@naseif)
  • 2ad700e: [Fix] Fixed bot not sending embed if the user that requested the song has no avatar. | (@naseif)
  • 611f3cc: [Enhancement] Added doc for getDetails function | (@naseif)
  • 2788ea9: [New] Added searchmovie command ! | (@naseif)
  • f07ec30: [New] Added getMovieInfo Modules to search for the movies | (@naseif)
  • 9d42a98: [New] You can now mention a user to highfive :) | (@naseif)
  • e2c916f: [Fix] Added slash command support for searchanime | (@naseif)
  • d796c37: [New] Added searchanime command that sends an embed containing all possible info about the anime | (@naseif)
  • d304257: [Enhancement] Replaced discords player lyrics extractor with the Genius API, api calls are now much faster | (@naseif)
  • 4e2f586: [New] Added playskip command that skips the current playing song and plays the new given song | (@naseif)
  • 9983b84: Remove # from brackets since discord autoomatically parses the channel | (@naseif)
  • e5ad9f0: [Fix] fixed help with slash commands returning empty embed message | (@naseif)
  • 6237c19: [Fix] updated invite message logo | (@naseif)
  • 36eca11: Update | (@naseif)
  • 4ddbfbb: Update | (@naseif)
  • e16de26: [Fix] fixed soundcloud not working with all links, using play-dl now for the playbacks | (@naseif)
  • 13e8967: [Fix] fixed spotify functionality with slash commands as well | (@naseif)
  • d73c8ea: [Fix] Fix message info being sent twice | (@naseif)
  • a95610b: [Fix] Fixed bot not playing music from spotify | (@naseif)
  • ca42f11: [Update] bump discord-player dev version | (@naseif)
  • f3e44da: [New] Added play-dl Extracto for discord-player, still experimental and not used | (@naseif)
  • b262772: [Fix] Set 8D back to normalizer when off | (@naseif)
  • f1acb6b: [Enhancement] Updated discord-js package, song link as hyperlink in embed | (@naseif)
  • a47a8b7: [Fix] fixed a bug with the disconnect command where users were able to disconnect the bot if not connected to a voice channel | (@naseif)


05 Oct 10:44
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Changes since 8.0.0:

  • Code refactored
  • Added prefix support for all commands. The bot now uses both events. (interactionCreate & messageCreate)
  • Added the ability to set custom prefix for each server. A mongodb is now needed to run the bot
  • Fixed bugs for some commands
  • Added new commands and added audio filters for best music experience

Commits since 8.0.0:

  • 1c8d92f: [update] added server name to the prefix messsage | (@naseif)
  • 93f0838: [Update] bump package version | (@naseif)
  • 9a402b4: [Update] With this commit all commands for this bot should be ready for use with prefixes as planned in #2. Some tests should be run on all commands. Closes #2 | (@naseif)
  • 4369cb7: [Update] fixed a typo in addrole and updated removerole | (@naseif)
  • eb61ca9: [Update] updates and various fixes and code improvements | (@naseif)
  • 7e15f45: [Update] updated commands and added prefix support | (@naseif)
  • e95687c: [Update] updated all commands in the anime category as planned in #2 | (@naseif)
  • 9df75a7: [Fix] updated all commands in the Fun category and fixed the 8ball command | (@naseif)
  • 340c184: [Update] with this commit all commands in the misc Category should be updated as planned in #2 | (@naseif)
  • a8e87c9: [Update] updated the permissions command | (@naseif)
  • a12dca4: [New] updated and fixed nickname command | (@naseif)
  • 85d8d86: [New] Added getGuildUser that parses the mention and returns the GuildUser class | (@naseif)
  • a69b758: [New] invite command now supports prefixes | (@naseif)
  • cf064de: [Enhancement] fixed some typos | (@naseif)
  • 66ed8a5: [Fix] fixed a bug where the avatar command would crash the bot if the user had no avatar | (@naseif)
  • 9567a8c: [New] Added getUserFromMention function that parses user mentions and returns the user constructor | (@naseif)
  • bff46cb: [Fix] Fixed seek command not working and stopping the song immediately after its execution, added prefix support | (@naseif)
  • 25d5942: [New] Added prefix support for 8ball and jokes commands | (@naseif)
  • 7e74504: [Fix] fixed some typos and spelling mistakes | (@naseif)
  • 1e7bae7: [New] With this commit all commands in the Music category should be supported with prefixes, everything worked as I planned in #2 | (@naseif)
  • 97bf3c1: [Fix] various fixes and improvements to the help and bassboost commnads | (@naseif)
  • 5311fe0: [Fix] Fixed help command crashing if one command has no aliases | (@naseif)
  • 3ce7d23: [Fix] fixed the guildAdd message | (@naseif)
  • 4443b0a: [Enhancement] Updated texts for clarification | (@naseif)
  • 79460ad: [Fix] Fixed disconnect command destroying the queue instead of just disconnecting! | (@naseif)
  • 63e36a2: [New] More updates to the music commands | (@naseif)
  • f8be8e8: [New] skip and stop work now with prefixes | (@naseif)
  • 6d617bf: [New] updated pause and queue to work with prefixes | (@naseif)
  • 406ad43: [New] updated lyrics and nowplaying | (@naseif)
  • 3c97bcf: [Fix] various fixes and updates to the commands | (@naseif)
  • a0fa318: [Enhancement] help command now shows if the command needs an argument and its other aliases too | (@naseif)
  • c7dd8e6: [Update] bassboost command now supports prefixes as well | (@naseif)
  • 35e7dac: [New] 24/7 Command support with prefixes | (@naseif)
  • a663522: [Enahncement] Added help command functionality with prefixes, it now also displays the usage of a command if available | (@naseif)
  • 085282f: [Enhancement] Changed folders names | (@naseif)
  • 8cd2844: [New] prefix support for the 8d filter command | (@naseif)
  • 72a8533: [Fix] Checking whether there is a queue when executing play caused the bot to answer twice, createQueue by default returns the existing queue if available | (@naseif)
  • c83e6e6: [New] Created setup command to set custom prefix for servers in the database | (@naseif)
  • 6e062ac: [New] Bot now checks if there is a custom prefix for the guild in the database | (@naseif)
  • d2540df: [New] Added play command functionality with messageCreate event, refactoring will be done later... | (@naseif)
  • 7d32943: [Update] added prefixRepository fucntion which has database methods | (@naseif)
  • 3a101e9: [Fix] documented connectDatabase for easy understanding | (@naseif)
  • aa56e1a: [Update] Use the logger function to log outputs, added mongourl to the config file | (@naseif)
  • c6fbbfe: [New] Bots now looks for a mongodb database and connects to it, NIY | (@naseif)
  • ed92fcc: [Update] Adding support for play comamnd with aliases | (@naseif)
  • 5506383: [Update] Now everything works again after code refactoring with @stho32 :D | (@naseif)
  • ac5e6d1: Merge pull request #5 from stho32/main | (@naseif)
  • 7999e21: [update] bind! :) | (@stho32)
  • d724d11: [Update] added for messageCreate event | (@naseif)
  • 8beef0f: Merge pull request #4 from stho32/main | (@naseif)
  • 4c77d00: [update] removed redundant code for command discovery | (@stho32)
  • fa36e98: [Fix] Still not working because of Paths :P | (@naseif)
  • da0ea22: Merge pull request #3 from stho32/main | (@naseif)
  • 93646fb: [update] untested, but maybe a better way to organize the source | (@stho32)
  • fef1ec4: [update] move deploy-commands into the module directory for better code structure | (@stho32)
  • 33a7719: [Fix] some little spelling mistakes | (@stho32)
  • 285f008: [Fix] precommands collection not needed anymore thanks to @stho32 | (@naseif)
  • b164c4f: [New] Added new messageCreate event and started working on #2, theoretically I should be able to reproduce all the commands without having to create new file for each command | (@naseif)
  • 3cae372: Merge branch 'main' of | (@naseif)


01 Oct 09:15
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  • d521fcf: [Update] updated README and added new commands to the commands table | (@naseif)
  • 46a2409: [New] Added bassboost audio filter for music | (@naseif)
  • 8465c96: [New] Added 8D audio filter for music | (@naseif)
  • 588c3c2: [New] Added Reverse audio filter for music | (@naseif)
  • 91702a5: [Fix] Fixed stop command crashing after trying to access destroyed queue properties | (@naseif)
  • b3993b8: [Fix] Fixed a bug with the lyrics command where the bot would crash if there are no songs playing while searching | (@naseif)
  • 1e87e64: [New] Added 24/7 command for music | (@naseif)
  • 9baa0e0: [Fix] Check whether there is an existing queue before creating a new one | (@naseif)
  • 4042978: [Enhancement] Changed the deploy command export statement, added more docs for the custom modules | (@naseif)
  • 012f236: [Fix] more fixes and error handling for all commands | (@naseif)
  • 604e7a9: [New] Changed listqueue to queue | (@naseif)
  • 46acf62: [Fix] various fixes and better error handling | (@naseif)
  • 2a96eab: [Fix] Create the queue only if the song was found | (@naseif)
  • 36a9130: [Enhancement] Added docs for the functions | (@naseif)
  • 6992809: [Enhancement] Documented the functions, rewrote embedSimple | (@naseif)
  • 996f402: [Enhancement] Renamed useravatar to avatar | (@naseif)
  • 3fee9c4: [New] Added invite to be able to invite the bot to other servers | (@naseif)
  • 2f0ae34: [Fix] Corrected log message | (@naseif)
  • e352182: [Update] Bumped the package version, added chalk and momentjs for better logging | (@naseif)
  • 5281fd3: [Fix] Removed the previous loop and required the the function to register the player events | (@naseif)
  • 59c6a31: [Enhancement] Replaced single files events with only one file | (@naseif)
  • 700271d: [New] imported logger and attached it on client | (@naseif)
  • b6031a4: [New] Created logger function for better console output | (@naseif)
  • a3d0d32: [Update] updated mstoTime function | (@naseif)
  • 21481e7: [Fix] No need for ytdl options since we are using play-dl | (@naseif)
  • adad039: [New] Using play-dl instead of yt-dl to reduce playback issues and aborts | (@naseif)
  • 6e4343b: Update | (@naseif)
  • a8611cb: [Update] Updated Commands table and added instructions for sodium installation | (@naseif)
  • f3e7527: [Enhancement] Deprecated libsodium-wrappers and replaced it with sodium for best performance | (@naseif)
  • 887a0b5: [New] Added a command to change server icon! | (@naseif)
  • 99410a7: [New] Added uptime command to check when the bot was started | (@naseif)
  • fa54602: [Enhancement] Deleted the copyright message | (@naseif)
  • 9954c52: [Fix] Deleted the require line for the old function | (@naseif)
  • 4bf0b4e: [Enahancement] Deleted loopAndRequire function and categorized the help command in a better way! | (@naseif)
  • 520a815: [Fix] Added the error event to take a better look at the error messages from the player | (@naseif)


03 Sep 15:18
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  • de1bf8b: [Edit] Edited the README and added new commands into the table! | (@naseif)
  • 9ab51a0: [New] Added whatanime command that takes an image link as input and returns the anime name after scanning | (@naseif)
  • 21b1cff: [New] Added new waifu command | (@naseif)
  • f9a9310: [New] Added new hug command | (@naseif)
  • 22c526b: [New] Added new highfive command | (@naseif)
  • f0b081b: [Enhancement] removed unnecessary stuff from embeds | (@naseif)
  • d4788b9: [Enhancement] Added Anime option for categories | (@naseif)
  • 3166d97: [New] Added new anime collection | (@naseif)
  • 5228692: [New] Added guildMemberAdd which triggers when a new user joins a server | (@naseif)
  • 98fd15e: [Enhancement] help message enhanced, removed the createReadMe require from index since its only for devs | (@naseif)
  • 6e5fdec: [Fix] guild.commands.set() does not execute properly (client has no more access) | (@naseif)
  • 15aaed9: [Enhancement] Rewrote the welcome message and mentioned some important things | (@naseif)
  • f446ea2: [New] Added welcome message when the bot joins a new guild | (@naseif)
  • 5f726fb: [New] Added commandsReadMe function to generate table markdown of all commands! | (@naseif)
  • 69cfb44: [Enhancement] various message fixes for embeds | (@naseif)
  • c1bdff0: [New] Readded GUILD_MEMBERS intent and added GUILD_BANS intent | (@naseif)
  • 7d695aa: [New] help command will now show commands by category or all available commands! | (@naseif)
  • a1e8cc4: [New] Categorized the commands groups, added new collection for each group | (@naseif)
  • e4b6039: [New] exported global findAndRequire function to loop through commands folders and require them | (@naseif)
  • 8098f82: [Enhancement] replaced repeated code with the new requestAPI function | (@naseif)
  • a931beb: [Enhancement] exported repeated api requests to a function, fixed a bug with insult when if a user is not mentioned it returns null | (@naseif)
  • cd24b28: [Bug] fixed automatic not working because the interaction.options does not allow a nullish value | (@naseif)
  • 57887b9: [Fix] Added error handling in case a channel with the given id does not exist, added automatic region option | (@naseif)
  • c86ad65: [Debug] From what I heard, discord/voice package is causing conflicts with the discord-player package, Therefor opusscript and discord/voice deprecated for testing purposes | (@naseif)


01 Sep 12:54
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  • dd16d45: [Enhancement] Styled the help message and added code blocks | (@naseif)
  • 923e6d9: [New] Added help to show all available commands! | (@naseif)
  • 71619f8: [Enhancement] Include the previous region in the embed message | (@naseif)
  • 18a73b2: [New] Added region command which changes the region for the voice channel the member is currently connected to! | (@naseif)
  • 852b34b: [New] Added regionbyid command which changes the voice channel region by an id input | (@naseif)
  • 0162fe5: [New] Added nickname command which allows you to change your own nickname or others! | (@naseif)
  • 5526c9a: deleted useless package | (@naseif)
  • 7ebc5c0: [Fix] disabled guild members intent because not needed atm | (@naseif)
  • fbe9d44: [New] Added summon command to move your fav friend to your own channel! | (@naseif)
  • ad81cba: [Enhancement] Leave channel after 3 minutes when empty! | (@naseif)
  • 075c5de: [New] Added two events that trigger when a track or a playlist has been added to the queue | (@naseif)
  • e5a6060: [Fix] added and edited player options | (@naseif)
  • 54c2a82: [New] Added ChannelEmpty event that triggers after voice channel is empty and disconnects the bot | (@naseif)
  • 98e904e: [New] require all playerEvents and execute them! | (@naseif)
  • 8ce2a24: [Fix] Update Activity after joining and leaving servers | (@naseif)
  • a484a61: [Fix] Changed queue command embed message color to match with all other messages | (@naseif)
  • 5bc8723: [New] Added new interaction.followUp for the play command in case the search result was a playlist | (@naseif)
  • 90d82ac: [New] Readded stop command based on a request | (@naseif)
  • e1c9be9: [New] Added activity | (@naseif)
  • f8aeff2: Updated Readme | (@naseif)


30 Aug 10:20
Choose a tag to compare
  • ab89f06: [Enhancement] added nicer embed message for the 8ball command, cleaned code from non used declarations | (@naseif)
  • aa33587: [Fix] set the int option to required for the deleteMessage command | (@naseif)
  • 6aa0094: [Enhancement] Added embed message for the catch block and a condition to check if the user can ban members | (@naseif)
  • 11aca2b: [Enhancement] Added embed message and a condition to test if the user has permission before proceeding with the kick | (@naseif)
  • 2753a5e: [New] Added unban command by user id and reason | (@naseif)
  • 468d54b: [Fix] Added permission check for deleteMessages command. (Only members with MANAGE_MESSAGES permission flag) | (@naseif)
  • befa891: [Enhancement] client given more access to retrieve info about guild members | (@naseif)
  • 84787d0: [New] Added serverstats command to retrieve information about the guild the bot is into | (@naseif)
  • f210edf: [Enhancemend] Increased restRequestTimeout to prevent interactions to get canceld | (@naseif)
  • 33cc673: [New] Added a new perms command to check users roles and your own! | (@naseif)
  • 23aa73f: [Fix] bot now does not delete the slash commands on startup. (Causing registering issues) | (@naseif)
  • fe8c15f: added workflow! | (@naseif)
  • c31c5ac: generated new changelog | (@naseif)
  • 78f598e: [Fix] Fix /lyrics command returning if there is no music playing when using the option arg. | (@naseif)
  • 672f79b: [Enhancement] Renamed playingnow to nowplaying | (@naseif)
  • 5b6dc67: [Fix] Error handling for all commands to prevent the bot from crashing if something goes wrong | (@naseif)
  • 8bbed18: [New] Added guildDelete event to delete registered slash commands if the bot got kicked or the guild is no longer available | (@naseif)