- Load the script
<script src="js/gdf-embed.js"></script>
- in your HTML markup, insert the following tag:
<gdf-embed folderID="1ILeC9USXuExQcLCCJVmFT6M85g7eAk_U" render="grid">
The "folderID" attribute is the Google Drive folder ID of the publicly shared folder. The "render" attribute can be set to either "grid" or "list" .
I usually like to 'freeze' ('Object.freeze()') my components so I added the deepFreeze function from 30SecsOfCode.org .
If you wish to remove this, you can simply replace the following portion
const deepFreeze = obj => {
Object.keys(obj).forEach(prop => {
if (typeof obj[prop] === 'object') deepFreeze(obj[prop]);
return Object.freeze(obj);
const frozenGDFE = deepFreeze(GDriveFolderEmbed);
customElements.define("gdf-embed", frozenGDFE);
with the following:
customElements.define("gdf-embed", GDriveFolderEmbed);
(When using VanillaJS components, you would usually load the deepFreeze Function separately (so it can be accessed by any components).
I don't usually include it within the component itself, I just added that in to showcase a neat trick with components!
- Built this to personally learn about the intricacies of web components
- uses shadowRoot so styles are encapsulated
- no other good reasons 🤷♂️