A smol README.md for my profile
A random dev who enjoys {programm,sysadmin,netamdin}ing a bit too much.
Grew up on Mandriva Linux, switched to Debian, and now using Alpine more and more.
Mains Lua/MoonScript, JavaScript/Typescript and Rust, but can write fairly good Python, Java and C.
- container, a simple containerization script based on systemd-nspawn
- rprompt, a small prompt for fish, zsh and bash, written in rust and moonscript
- moonbuild, a small build system written in and using moonscript
- brightnessctl, a simple suid binary to set the screen brightness
- Snek, a "simple" Snake, done for my final JS class project
- rmarcher, a small cpu-rendered raymarcher in Rust capable to load Lua scenes
- mon, a simple system monitoring tool
- and basically everything here, on my GitLab and GitDab
- dashboard, a small web dashboard for my server, using lapis
- limglib, an image organization tool
- lcontainer no repo yet, a lighter container system, not relying on systemd
- prompt, a small prompt, mainly designed for fish, the old counterpart of
- bot-info, a discord bot for the programming school I went to, to be replaced by Administrator by a newer student now that I left
- toolbox, a small toolbox of CLI tools based on lua, mostly replaced by lua-command-tools
- make the README
- work on the project themselves