Dec, 2018: A small project to get reacquainted with Python. It was also a little bit useful - even though my days of reading fanfictions are long long gone, I was recently going over my old notes and it seems a lot of the stories are gone from
Fortunately fictionhunt is still around and has copy of many of those so I am using that here. Though it necessarily means that this tool is only limited to one fandom (HP) as that’s the only one fictionhunt archives. But there are other tools for, AO3 etc. in general.
python3 -m venv /tmp/ffdl_venv
source /tmp/ffdl_venv/bin/activate
pip install poetry
git clone /tmp/ffdl/
cd /tmp/ffdl/
poetry install
python3 ./ --help
- Asynchronous I/O
- Dependency management tool
- Survey of CLI argument parsing libraries
- [ ] A web front-end for API server
- [ ] Extract and add more metadata to output
- [ ] Cache top stories in backend