React Native module to display custom incoming call activity, best result when using with firebase background messaging. Only for Android since iOS we have VoIP.
Yes I heard you could use self managed ConnectionService thing. But since I'm not an Android expert, this is a solution I found acceptable.
You could also wait for this feature request from react-native-callkeep
to be resolved and have an easier life.
Hello there! It's been a while since I first public version 1 of this library, which contains some bugs that I don't have much time to fix.
Luckily I got a client project which needs this feature again and now I have time to improve it and make sure all major features work. So here is most of it I guess:
More generic incoming call UI.
Work nicely with all application state (foreground, background, killed, locked).
More flexible APIs.
Thanks to jpudysz's folk of react-native-callkeep, version 2 is heavily depended on it.
is now replaced byopenAppFromHeadlessMode()
. -
Answer calls from background / killed state no longer open app and send launchParams, you need to listen to
event from headless job and triggerbackToForeground
$ npm install react-native-incoming-call --save
$ yarn add react-native-incoming-call
In AndroidManifest.xml
<activity android:name="com.incomingcall.UnlockScreenActivity" />
line between<application>
tag. -
<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.VIBRATE" />
permission. -
Also, it's recommend to put
in<activity android:name=".MainActivity"...
tag to prevent duplicate activities.
For RN >= 0.60, it's done. Otherwise:
$ react-native link react-native-incoming-call
In App.js
import {useEffect} from 'react';
import {DeviceEventEmitter, Platform} from 'react-native';
import IncomingCall from 'react-native-incoming-call';
// Listen to cancel and answer call events
useEffect(() => {
if (Platform.OS === "android") {
* App open from killed state (headless mode)
const payload = await IncomingCall.getExtrasFromHeadlessMode();
console.log('launchParameters', payload);
if (payload) {
// Start call action here. You probably want to navigate to some CallRoom screen with the payload.uuid.
* App in foreground / background: listen to call events and determine what to do next
DeviceEventEmitter.addListener("endCall", payload => {
// End call action here
DeviceEventEmitter.addListener("answerCall", payload => {
// Start call action here. You probably want to navigate to some CallRoom screen with the payload.uuid.
}, []);
In index.js
or anywhere firebase background handler lies:
import messaging from '@react-native-firebase/messaging';
import {DeviceEventEmitter} from 'react-native';
import IncomingCall from 'react-native-incoming-call';
messaging().setBackgroundMessageHandler(async remoteMessage => {
// Receive remote message
if (remoteMessage?.notification?.title === 'Incoming Call') {
// Display incoming call activity.
'callUUIDv4', // Call UUID v4
'Quocs', // Username
'', // Avatar URL
'Incomming Call' // Info text
} else if (remoteMessage?.notification?.title === 'Missed Call') {
// Terminate incoming activity. Should be called when call expired.
// Listen to headless action events
DeviceEventEmitter.addListener("endCall", payload => {
// End call action here
DeviceEventEmitter.addListener("answerCall", (payload) => {
console.log('answerCall', payload);
if (payload.isHeadless) {
// Called from killed state
} else {
// Called from background state
You need to turn on autostart and display pop-up windows permissions manually. I'm searching for a better solution.
PR is welcomed! 😂
This project is licensed under the MIT License.