This gem adds Chef report and attributes handlers that send reports to TheForeman Project. You need Foreman 1.3+ to use it. See:
Since it's released as a gem you can simply run this command under root
gem install chef_handler_foreman
In /etc/chef/config.rb:
# this adds new functions to chef configuration
require 'chef_handler_foreman'
# here you can specify your connection options
foreman_server_options :url => 'http://your.server/foreman'
# add following line if you want to upload node attributes (facts in Foreman language)
foreman_facts_upload true
# add following line if you want to upload reports
foreman_reports_upload true
# add following line to manage reports verbosity. Allowed values are debug, notice and error
reports_log_level "notice"
You can also specify a second argument to foreman_reports_upload which is a number:
- 1 (default) for reporter based on more detailed ResourceReporter
- 2 not so verbose based just on run_status, actually just counts applied resources
Chef 10 is generally supported from version 0.0.6 and above. However you must set foreman_reports_upload mode to 2 manually. We can't get detailed reports in old chef. The configuration line will look like this:
foreman_reports_upload true, 2