This repo contains docker compose and DIP configuration for running and developing OntoPortal stack in 3 different ways:
- docker-compose.backend_only.yml contains just the backend services required for developing and running API on your local system. To take advantage of that you would need to run
docker compose -f docker-compose.backend_only.yml up -d
- Run API/ncbo_cron and depenencies in docker using DIP
- Run API/ncbo_cron in docker with mounted source code volumes from your local system. This will allow editing files on your local machine while running code inside docker container.
# clone this repo
git clone
# clone ontologies_linked_data repo which is needed for creating solr configsets
git clone
# generate configsets:
cd ontologies_linked_data
cd ../ontoportal_docker
# install DIP
bundle install
# export bioportal APIKEY which is needed for importing ontologies from bioportal when provisioning
cp .env.sample .env
# run provisioning via dip
dip provision
dip provision
- clear existing volumes, i.e removing all data
- create 4store kb
- run ncbo_cron rake tasks for creating admin user acccount
- run bin/ncbo_ontology_import script on ncbo_cron container to import STY ontology from bioportal
- run ontology pull script
- process STY ontology
list available dip commands
dip ls
starts api which you would be able to access on http://localhost:9393
dip api rackup
run ncbo_cron scripts:
dip cron bundle exe bin/<script>
For example, to import new ontology from BioPortal, pull and process it you would run:
dip cron bundle exec bin/ncbo_ontology_import --from-apikey ${BP_APIKEY} -o PO --from --admin-user admin
dip cron bundle exec bin/ncbo_ontology_pull -o PO
dip cron bundle exec bin/ncbo_ontology_process -o PO
When developing API it is possible to mount the source code from your local directory inside the container so that it runs your latest changes. To do that you need to make changes to dip.yml file and uncomment the line containing # -
. contains overwrights to the docker-compose.yml which mounts your local directory.
to install gems inside the API container you would need to run dip api bundle install
or dip api bundle update
to get newer gems
to test your changes you would need to run dip api test
Ontoportal has support for running AllegroGraph as triple store backend. To change default 4store triple store to AllgegroGraph you would need to rename dip.override.yml.sample to dip.override.yml