This repo contains the demos and link to slides for the Ibis + DuckDB geospatial talk.
How to download and cite the slides:
Cite: Clementi, Natalia C. (2024). Ibis + DuckDB geospatial: a match made on Earth (Scipy 2024). figshare. Presentation.
Create an enviornment with mamba, conda or the package manager of your choice. I used mamba, and then pip to install some nightly version of packages and upgrade some dependencies.
$ mamba create -n ibis-geo-scipy24 python=3.11
$ mamba activate ibis-geo-scipy24
$ pip install duckdb --pre --upgrade
$ pip install 'ibis-framework[duckdb,geospatial]'
$ pip install -U geopandas
$ pip install lonboard jupyterlab
Launch jupyterlab and start playing around.
All content is under Creative Commons Attribution CC-BY 4.0, and all code is under BSD-3 clause. We are happy if you re-use the content in any way!