Very, very simple html minifier with Laravel 5.x support.
It minifies HTML by
- removing HTML comments except IE conditions
- removing comments
- shorten multiple white spaces
- removing whitespaces between HTML tags
- collapsing new lines
You should end up with a small size profit:
Uniminfied | Minified |
64.2KB | 44.6KB |
$input = "<a href="/foo" class="bar moo ">Hello World</a>";
$minifier = new Minifier();
$output = $minifier->html($string); // <a href="/foo" class="bar moo ">Hello World</a>
You can install the package via composer:
composer require nckg/laravel-minify-html
If you are using Laravel you can add the middleware to your middleware providers
// app/Http/Kernel.php
* The application's global HTTP middleware stack.
* @var array
protected $middleware = [
composer test
The MIT License (MIT).