This repository is mostly for learning purposes (PHP in particular).
Weather data are scraped from tenki because of nicely HTML format. Other options are Yahoo!Tenki and WeatherNews. The first one, is not nicely formatted and difficult to scrape. Probably using its API will be better... but as I saw it, once requested it only returns the data for the current hour. The second one, is actually easy to scrape, I will probably add such script later on I actually created an xbar-plugin for MacOS.
It will take some time to train past weather data and build a forecaster, in the mean time forecast data is fetched from JMA site.
- OS: Debian 11
- HTTP server: Apache
- DB: MariaDB
- PHP ver: 7.4
- Enable apache modules: sudo a2enmod rewritesudo service apache2 restart Install HTTP server: sudo apt install apache2 check if running with: sudo service apache2 status
- sudo apt install mariadb-server mariadb-client check if running with: sudo service mariadb status
- sudo apt-get install php7.4 libapache2-mod-php7.4 php7.4-mysql php7.4-curl php7.4-json php7.4-gd php-memcached php7.4-intl php7.4-mbstring php7.4-xml php7.4-zip
- sudo mysql_secure_installation
- sudo apt install -y phpmyadmin Respond to login questions and if successful head to: http://webapp.physics/phpmyadmin
Usually on Linux systems, the following works:
- sudo systemctl start/stop/status <what_service>
- sudo systemctl enable/disable <what_service>
However, on WSL things are a lil' different, hence:
- sudo service <what_service> start/stop/status
- sudo chkconfig <what_service> on/off
Using XAMPP and setting a remote server... MySQL: Create a new user to create DB
- Environment: Dell Vostro 13"/WSL Debian 11
- Languages: PHP, JavaScript, and Shell
- Editors: VSCodium