Simplification of a 2D-polyline or a 3D-polyline.
- Uses Radial-Distance algorithm (fast) or Douglas-Peucker (high quality) algorithm
- Port of mourner / simplify-js, a High-performance JavaScript 2D/3D polyline simplification library by Vladimir Agafonkin
- Can handle arbitrary objects carrying coordinates (2D, 3D)
- either by implementing an interface
- or by providing a helper extracting the coordinates
- Leaves the objects untouched, just creates a new array referencing the simplified points
- requires Java 5
- Maven Build
- JUnit-tested
- 94% lines covered
- reference data is created by "original" JavaScript implementation (Version 1.1.0)
// create an instance of the simplifier (empty array needed by List.toArray)
Simplify<Point> simplify = new Simplify<Point>(new MyPoint[0]);
// here we have an array with hundreds of points
Point[] allPoints = ...
double tolerance = ...
boolean highQuality = true; // Douglas-Peucker, false for Radial-Distance
// run simplification process
Point[] lessPoints = simplify.simplify(allPoints, tolerance, highQuality);
For more examples see src/test/java/**/*Test.
- publish gh_pages (JavaDoc)
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