WARNING - this is a WIP, use at your own risk!
Edit: This is just a WIP, but usage is welcome to help us improve!
gem 'activeadmin-pages', :github => "nebirhos/activeadmin-pages", :branch => "master"
# Since these gems are unreleased you have to manually add them
gem "activeadmin-wysihtml5", :github => "stefanoverna/activeadmin-wysihtml5", :branch => "master"
gem "activeadmin-sortable-tree", :github => "nebirhos/activeadmin-sortable-tree", :branch => "master"
gem "activeadmin-globalize3", :github => "stefanoverna/activeadmin-globalize3", :branch => "master"
gem "activeadmin-seo", :github => "nebirhos/activeadmin-seo", :branch => "master"
rake activeadmin_pages:install:migrations
rake db:migrate
rails g active_admin:pages:install
First set the default locale and available languages in config/application.rb:
config.i18n.default_locale = :en
config.i18n.available_locales = [:en, :it]
Page logic is handled by the engine, all you have to do is redefine
to fit your needs.
To get the url of a page object, use the helper
link_to "Home", page_path(@home)