Discord bot created for the CoNDOR server. Fetches and formats Crypt of the Necrodancer stats.
- Search - information regarding a player's personal bests using Mendayen's api (http://api.toofz.com/help).
- Leaderboard - supports all leaderboards as fetched from the steam api.
- Stats - various misc stats such as playtime, deaths, characters clears count, and other misc records.
Necrobot - returns results of Incnone's necrobot races from the community database.necrobot does it natively now!- pbs - player's personal bests from Warachia's site (https://warachia2.github.io/NecroRankings/).
.search "steamname"
.speed "steamname"
.speed #steamID
.leaderboard "character"
.stats "steamid"
.stats #steamID
.pb steamname
Displays a list of players with a matching name, ordered by entry count.
.search "steamname"
.s "steamname"
Displays the player's personal bests in the specified category.
.speed "steamname"
.score #steamID
.[category] "steamname" [product] [mode]
: Name searched. The results displayed are of the player with the most entries.
: Can be used instead of a name. An argument will be treated as an ID if it begins with '#'.
: By default the results are Amplified only. Adding "classic" as a product will return classic results.
: Run's game mode, standard by default. (standard, hardmode, noreturn, low%)
Displays the specified leaderboard.
.leaderboard "character"
.lb "character"
.leaderboard [character] [product] [category] -[offset]
: The character type of the leaderboard. (All, Aria, Bard, Bolt, Cadence, Coda, Diamond, Dorian, Dove, Eli, Melody, Monk, Nocturna, Story)
, category
are the same as search.
: Changes the range of the displayed entries. The offset is 0 by default.
Displays various misc steam statistics. Requires the user profile to be public.
.stats "steamname"
.stats #steamID`
### Necrobot (no longer in use)
Displayed a user's past necrobot races.
.necrobot "user" .races "user" .necrobot "user" -[offset]
`name`: The discord user to search. By default the command will return the user's results.
`offset` is the same as leaderboards display.
### Help
Displays the help information and a list of commands.
`.help [command]`
`command`: The command to expand on.
### Version
Displays the bot's current version.