This repository contains a simple Apache Kafka project demonstrating the setup of a Kafka cluster using Docker Compose, along with Python scripts for a Kafka producer and consumer.
- docker-compose.yml: Docker Compose configuration to set up a Kafka cluster with multiple brokers and ZooKeeper instances.
- A Python script implementing a Kafka producer that sends messages to a specified Kafka topic.
- A Python script implementing a Kafka consumer that reads messages from a specified Kafka topic.
- Kafka Cluster Setup: Easily spin up a Kafka cluster using Docker Compose.
- Python Producer: Script to produce messages to Kafka topics.
- Python Consumer: Script to consume messages from Kafka topics.
docker-compose up -d
docker exec -it <kafka_container_id> bash
kafka-topics --create --topic mytopic --partitions <n> --replication-factor 2 --bootstrap-server localhost:9092
is the number of partitions you want to be created for the topic "mytopic". <kafka_container_id> is the container_id of any of the 2 brokers. You can get this value by using the command:
docker ps -a
This step can be skipped since the Kafka Python library already creates a topic of the mentioned name with 1 partition by default when such a topic doesn't exist, still, if you want a specific number of partitions, you can use the previous command.
Run the Consumer:
- Docker and Docker Compose installed.
- Python and the kafka library installed.