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Classic Newton implementation attempt. Not functional yet.
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Simkern committed Sep 27, 2024
1 parent 991721b commit 2ed835f
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Showing 8 changed files with 628 additions and 45 deletions.
64 changes: 64 additions & 0 deletions src/AbstractSystems.f90
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@@ -0,0 +1,64 @@
module LightKrylov_AbstractSystems
use LightKrylov_AbstractVectors
use LightKrylov_AbstractLinops
implicit none

character*128, parameter :: this_module = 'LightKrylov_AbstractSystems'

!> General abstract type for general systems.
type, abstract, public :: abstract_dynamical_system
end type abstract_dynamical_system


!> Abstract Jacobian linop.
type, abstract, extends(abstract_linop_rdp), public :: abstract_jacobian_linop_rdp
class(abstract_vector_rdp), allocatable :: X
procedure(abstract_jac_matvec_rdp), pass(self), deferred, public :: matvec
procedure(abstract_jac_matvec_rdp), pass(self), deferred, public :: rmatvec
end type

abstract interface
subroutine abstract_jac_matvec_rdp(self, vec_in, vec_out)
!! Interface for the matrix-vector product.
use lightkrylov_AbstractVectors
import abstract_jacobian_linop_rdp
class(abstract_jacobian_linop_rdp) , intent(in) :: self
!! Linear operator \(\mathbf{A}\).
class(abstract_vector_rdp), intent(in) :: vec_in
!! Vector to be multiplied by \(\mathbf{A}\).
class(abstract_vector_rdp), intent(out) :: vec_out
!! Result of the matrix-vector product.
end subroutine abstract_jac_matvec_rdp
end interface

!> Abstract continuous system.
type, abstract, extends(abstract_dynamical_system), public :: abstract_system_rdp
class(abstract_jacobian_linop_rdp), allocatable :: jacobian
!! System Jacobian \( \left. \frac{\partial \mathbf{F}}{\partial \mathbf{X}} \right|_{X^*} \).
procedure(abstract_eval_rdp), pass(self), deferred, public :: eval
!! Procedure to evaluate the system response \( \mathbf{Y} = \mathbf{F}(\mathbf{X}) \).
end type

abstract interface
subroutine abstract_eval_rdp(self, vec_in, vec_out)
!! Interface for the evaluation of the system response.
use LightKrylov_AbstractVectors
import abstract_system_rdp
class(abstract_system_rdp), intent(in) :: self
!! System
class(abstract_vector_rdp), intent(in) :: vec_in
!! Base state
class(abstract_vector_rdp), intent(out) :: vec_out
!! System response
end subroutine abstract_eval_rdp
end interface

end module LightKrylov_AbstractSystems
6 changes: 6 additions & 0 deletions src/LightKrylov.f90
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -7,6 +7,8 @@ module LightKrylov
use LightKrylov_AbstractVectors
! --> Definitions of the abstract linear operators.
use LightKrylov_AbstractLinops
! --> Definitions of the abstract dynamical systems.
use LightKrylov_AbstractSystems
! --> Standard Krylov techniques.
use LightKrylov_BaseKrylov
! --> Iterative solvers.
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -68,6 +70,10 @@ module LightKrylov
public :: scaled_linop_cdp
public :: axpby_linop_cdp
public :: abstract_hermitian_linop_cdp

! AbstractSystems exports.
public :: abstract_system_rdp
public :: abstract_jacobian_linop_rdp

! BaseKrylov exports.
public :: qr
Expand Down
6 changes: 6 additions & 0 deletions src/LightKrylov.fypp
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -9,6 +9,8 @@ module LightKrylov
use LightKrylov_AbstractVectors
! --> Definitions of the abstract linear operators.
use LightKrylov_AbstractLinops
! --> Definitions of the abstract dynamical systems.
use LightKrylov_AbstractSystems
! --> Standard Krylov techniques.
use LightKrylov_BaseKrylov
! --> Iterative solvers.
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -57,6 +59,10 @@ module LightKrylov
public :: abstract_hermitian_linop_${type[0]}$${kind}$

! AbstractSystems exports.
public :: abstract_system_rdp
public :: abstract_jacobian_linop_rdp

! BaseKrylov exports.
public :: qr
Expand Down
91 changes: 91 additions & 0 deletions src/NewtonKrylov.f90
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@@ -0,0 +1,91 @@
module LightKrylov_NewtonKrylov
use stdlib_optval, only: optval
use LightKrylov_Constants
use LightKrylov_Logger
use LightKrylov_AbstractVectors
use LightKrylov_AbstractLinops
use LightKrylov_AbstractSystems
use LightKrylov_IterativeSolvers

implicit none

character*128, parameter :: this_module = 'LightKrylov_NewtonKrylov'

public :: newton

interface newton
module procedure newton_classic_rdp
end interface


subroutine newton_classic_rdp(sys, X0, tol, verb, info)
!! Classic no-frills implementation of the Newton-Krylov root-finding algorithm
class(abstract_system_rdp), intent(inout) :: sys
!! Dynamical system for which we wish to compute a fixed point
class(abstract_vector_rdp), intent(inout) :: X0
!! Initial guess for the fixed point, will be overwritten with solution
real(dp), intent(in) :: tol
!! Solver tolerance
logical, optional, intent(in) :: verb
!! verbosity toggle
integer, intent(out) :: info
!! Information flag

!----- Internal variables -----
! residual vector
class(abstract_vector_rdp), allocatable :: residual, X, dX
real(dp) :: rnorm
logical :: converged, verb_
integer :: i, maxiter

! Optional parameters
verb_ = optval(verb, .false.)

! Initialisation
maxiter = 100
converged = .false.
allocate(residual, source=X0); call residual%zero()
allocate(dX, source=X0); call dX%zero()
allocate(X, source=X0);

! Newton iteration
newton: do i = 1, maxiter

call sys%eval(X0, X)
rnorm = X%norm()
if (verb) write(*,*) "Iteration", i, ": Residual norm = ", rnorm

! Check for convergence.
if (rnorm < tol) then
if (verb) write(*,*) "Convergence achieved."
converged = .true.
exit newton
end if

! Define the Jacobian
call sys%jacobian%X%axpby(zero_rdp, X, one_rdp)

! Solve the linear system using GMRES.
call residual%chsgn()
call gmres(sys%jacobian, residual, dX, info)
call check_info(info, 'gmres', module=this_module, procedure='newton_classic_rdp')

! Update the solution and overwrite X0
call X0%axpby(zero_rdp, X, one_rdp)
call X0%add(dX)

enddo newton

if (.not.converged) then
if (verb) write(*,*) 'Newton iteration did not converge within', maxiter, 'steps.'
info = -1

end subroutine newton_classic_rdp

end module LightKrylov_NewtonKrylov
165 changes: 165 additions & 0 deletions src/TestUtils.f90
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -142,6 +142,40 @@ module LightKrylov_TestUtils
end type


! Mesh related parameters.
real(dp), parameter :: a = 0.2
real(dp), parameter :: b = 0.2
real(dp), parameter :: c = 5.7

type, extends(abstract_vector_rdp), public :: state_vector
real(dp) :: x = 0.0_dp
real(dp) :: y = 0.0_dp
real(dp) :: z = 0.0_dp
procedure, pass(self), public :: zero
procedure, pass(self), public :: dot
procedure, pass(self), public :: scal
procedure, pass(self), public :: axpby
procedure, pass(self), public :: rand
procedure, pass(self), public :: get_size
end type state_vector

type, extends(abstract_system_rdp), public :: roessler
procedure, pass(self), public :: eval => eval_roessler
end type roessler

type, extends(abstract_jacobian_linop_rdp), public :: jacobian
procedure, pass(self), public :: matvec => lin_roessler
procedure, pass(self), public :: rmatvec => adj_lin_roessler
end type jacobian

interface get_data
module procedure get_data_vec_rsp
module procedure get_data_vec_basis_rsp
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -1065,5 +1099,136 @@ subroutine get_err_str_dp(msg, info, err)
msg = indent // info // value_str // achar(10)

end subroutine get_err_str_dp


subroutine zero(self)
class(state_vector), intent(inout) :: self
self%x = 0.0_dp
self%y = 0.0_dp
self%z = 0.0_dp
end subroutine zero

real(dp) function dot(self, vec) result(alpha)
class(state_vector) , intent(in) :: self
class(abstract_vector_rdp), intent(in) :: vec
select type(vec)
type is(state_vector)
alpha = self%x*vec%x + self%y*vec%y + self%z*vec%z
end select
end function dot

subroutine scal(self, alpha)
class(state_vector), intent(inout) :: self
real(dp) , intent(in) :: alpha
self%x = self%x * alpha
self%y = self%y * alpha
self%z = self%z * alpha
end subroutine scal

subroutine axpby(self, alpha, vec, beta)
class(state_vector) , intent(inout) :: self
class(abstract_vector_rdp), intent(in) :: vec
real(dp) , intent(in) :: alpha, beta
select type(vec)
type is(state_vector)
self%x = alpha*self%x + beta*vec%x
self%y = alpha*self%y + beta*vec%y
self%z = alpha*self%z + beta*vec%z
end select
end subroutine axpby

integer function get_size(self) result(N)
class(state_vector), intent(in) :: self
N = 3
end function get_size

subroutine rand(self, ifnorm)
class(state_vector), intent(inout) :: self
logical, optional, intent(in) :: ifnorm
logical :: normalized
real(dp) :: mu, var
real(dp) :: alpha

mu = 0.0_dp
var = 1.0_dp
self%x = normal(mu, var)
self%y = normal(mu, var)
self%z = normal(mu, var)

normalized = optval(ifnorm, .false.)
if (normalized) then
alpha = self%norm()
call self%scal(1.0_dp/alpha)
end subroutine rand

subroutine eval_roessler(self, vec_in, vec_out)
class(roessler), intent(in) :: self
class(abstract_vector_rdp), intent(in) :: vec_in
class(abstract_vector_rdp), intent(out) :: vec_out

select type(vec_in)
type is(state_vector)
select type(vec_out)
type is(state_vector)

vec_out%x = -vec_in%y - vec_in%z
vec_out%y = vec_in%x + a * vec_in%y
vec_out%z = b + vec_in%z * (vec_in%x - c)

end select
end select

end subroutine eval_roessler

subroutine lin_roessler(self, vec_in, vec_out)
class(jacobian), intent(in) :: self
class(abstract_vector_rdp), intent(in) :: vec_in
class(abstract_vector_rdp), intent(out) :: vec_out

select type(vec_in)
type is(state_vector)
select type(vec_out)
type is(state_vector)

vec_out%x = -vec_in%y - vec_in%z
vec_out%y = vec_in%x + a*vec_in%y
vec_out%z = vec_in%x*self%X%z + vec_in%z*(self%X%x - c)

end select
end select

end subroutine lin_roessler

subroutine adj_lin_roessler(self, vec_in, vec_out)
class(jacobian), intent(in) :: self
class(abstract_vector_rdp), intent(in) :: vec_in
class(abstract_vector_rdp), intent(out) :: vec_out

select type(vec_in)
type is(state_vector)
select type(vec_out)
type is(state_vector)

vec_out%x = vec_in%y + vec_in%z*self%X%z
vec_out%y = -vec_in%x + a*vec_in%y
vec_out%z = -vec_in%x + vec_in%z*(self%X%x - c)

end select
end select

end subroutine adj_lin_roessler

end module LightKrylov_TestUtils

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