I'm Nelson Cárdenas, a Machine Learning Engineer and Electronic Engineer from Colombia. Currently working in @factoredai. I love coding and creating technology to solve problems. Since I discovered artificial intelligence I fell in love with learning all those techniques that seemed magic and with which a machine can learn to predict the future (1), detect hidden behaviors in the data (Beers and diapers it didn't really happen, but the story is interesting), outperform humans in the most complex games (AlphaGo) or learn to see (Welch labs channel).
Welcome to my profile, where I intend to record a fragment of my journey through all the knowledge that I am passionate about (AI, mathematics, coding, drawing, writing, and learning new things), and if it can be expressed in code, perhaps I will save it here.
📫 How to reach me: Linkedin: or my email nelsoncardenas28@gmail.com.