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A Modular Troubleshooting Framework for SDN

Epoxide is an Emacs based modular framework, which can flexibly combine network and software troubleshooting tools in a single platform. Epoxide does not try to be a complex troubleshooting software that fully integrates all available tools, but rather a lightweight framework that allows the ad-hoc creation of tailor-made testing methods from predefined building blocks to test troubleshooting hypotheses.

I. Pelle, T. Lévai, F. Németh, and A. Gulyás: "One Tool to Rule Them All: A Modular Troubleshooting Framework for SDN (and other) Networks", ACM Sigcomm Symposium on SDN Research (SOSR), June 17-18, 2015, Santa Clara, CA.

SIGCOMM 2015 demo video


Add the following lines to your emacs initialization file (~/.emacs):

  (add-to-list 'package-archives
               '("epoxide" . "") t)

Then install the epoxide package with M-x list-packages RET.

To utilize graph visualization install graphviz from your distribution's package manager or from any other source.

Installation from the git repository

First install COGRE either from the CEDET git repository or from the package archive of Epoxide (see above), then add the following lines to your initialization file.

  (add-to-list 'load-path "path-to-the-epoxide-repository/src")
  (autoload 'epo-mode "epoxide")
  (add-to-list 'auto-mode-alist '("\\.tsg\\'" . epoxide-tsg-mode))
  (autoload 'tramp-mininet-setup "tramp-mininet")
  (eval-after-load 'tramp '(tramp-mininet-setup))


Epoxide is a tool built around the concept of connecting existing network and software troubleshooting tools in a way that they can transfer data among each other. To describe such scenarios we introduce troubleshooting graphs.

Troubleshooting graphs

Troubleshooting graphs (or TSGs in short) consist of nodes and links. Nodes are functional elements either implementing a wrapper for an external tool or providing entirely new functionality. Links connect nodes by relaying data between them.

Emacs based prototype

We created an Emacs based prototype to illustrate how our concept works. For defining TSGs we use a Click-inspired language and store them in .tsg configuration files. The nodes are implemented in Emacs Lisp and we chose human readable text data to be transfered between them.

The creation, execution and manipulation of TSGs are controlled by a framework that maps nodes and links to Emacs buffers and then helps the data distribution among nodes. Node buffers hold node specific attributes and potentially display state information; while link buffers are the inputs and the outputs of the nodes containing human readable text data (e.g. the output buffers of the Iperf wrapper node contain the intact output of the wrapped tool). The framework with the help of its event scheduler is responsible to call the execution function of a node if one of its input buffers got modified, afterwards it is the responsibility of the execution function to process the input data, and to write into its output buffers.

Epoxide offers:

  • Easy extensibility: framework and node functions are implemented in separate Emacs Lisp files and the framework provides a programming interface to node developers. This allows creating third party node implementations and also external node repositories. Developers only have to write node initialization, execution, and termination functions. Optionally, they can add documentation functions to provide information about node configuration parameters.

  • Context-aware buffer switching keeps track of the created buffers and provides support to move among them in an orderly fashion by applying key combinations. When multiple branches of the TSG are available, possible choices are offered as a selectable list, or they can be selected by the same key combination prefixed with the output link's number. Users can also switch to buffers associated with the current Epoxide session by selecting from a list of buffer names grouped together based on their types and positions in the TSG.

  • TSG visualization offers a graph representation of the interpreted .tsg file, navigation options for graph traversal, and quick access to node and link buffers.

  • Syntax highlighting and context-aware code completion is provided for .tsg files. Additional, context-aware help is also shown with the short documentation of the current node, in which the currently typed parameter is highlighted. Intelligent code completion is offered: candidate lists are populated with node classes and phrases from other buffers.

  • Views are special TSG elements that can create bundles of link and node buffers to be displayed together by splitting the Emacs window to different sub-windows. In a complex TSG, views provide quick access to a subset of the buffers. Moreover, in case of a long chain of nodes not only the final result is shown but every intermediate partial result is also available for inspection in the corresponding link buffer.

  • Run-time node creation, reconfiguration and re-linking provides two possibilities to make modifications on a TSG that has already been started. The first one allows reinterpreting a modified .tsg file and then reconfigures the TSG based on the modifications. The second one interactively guides the user to add a new node or reconfigure existing nodes or links between them.

  • Customization of major Epoxide parameters is integrated in Emacs's own customization interface and can be invoked via M-x customize group and then typing the epoxide keyword.


Here we show how one can use Epoxide to test networks and extend it if the available nodes aren't enough for the task at hand. If this is your first time using Epoxide, you should read the article and watch the video mentioned in the introduction for more in-depth information about our tool. But do not be afraid, the learning curve of Epoxide is not really steep if you are familiar with Emacs.


To better understand how Epoxide works, a simple example is presented that takes you through the process of creating a troubleshooting graph, executing it and making observations during its run.

The sample scenario

Let's assume we have a host and want to test its connectivity to the public internet. First we want to examine if connection can be established then we would like to measure the latency to some well-known websites. To accomplish this, the simplest tool we can use is ping: it tells us whether the target website is available, and if so, the latency is displayed also.

Let's further assume that we would like to mark those measurements where the round trip time exceeds a certain limit. To achieve this we would need something that can process the output of ping.

Constructing the TSG file

To set up Epoxide to perform the required tests, we have to create a TSG file that describes the scenario as a troubleshooting graph. Epoxide uses a Click-inspired language for describing such graphs. Here we provide a simple one of that. TSGs are recognized by Emacs/Epoxide as being stored in .tsg files. As an example take a look at the content of pingview.tsg.

In this simple example let's split the definition into two main logical parts: the first is the description of nodes and views of the troubleshooting graph and the second is the description of the links between them.

// Nodes
ping0 :: Ping(localhost,;
ping1 :: Ping(localhost,;
filter0 :: Filter(time=\([2-9][0-9]\|[1-9][0-9]\{2,\}\).*[0-9]* ms$);
filter1 :: Filter(time=\([2-9][0-9]\|[1-9][0-9]\{2,\}\).*[0-9]* ms$);
view :: View(1, 2);

// Links
ping0 -> filter0 -> view;
ping1 -> filter1 -> [1]view;

We define nodes for pinging and and filters that highlight response times longer or equal to 20 ms and a view that would serve as a means to provide a solution for the common need to see multiple outputs aligned at once in a simple yet flexible way. Views can be added to TSGs as they were nodes.

A node is specified by its instance name (e.g. ping0) and its class (e.g. Ping). A class is assigned to the instance by using the :: operator. Following the class declaration, node configuration parameters can be specified in parentheses.

Links are then created that tie the nodes together. The output of a node is connected to the input of another by adding the -> operator. Nodes can have multiple in/outputs, to distinguish between these write the number of the appropriate in/output in brackets. Outputs should be written after the instance name of the node, inputs before them. When using the 0th in/output, you can use the simplification of omitting the brackets and numbers altogether. Multiple outputs can be linked to multiple inputs between two nodes by listing the appropriate numbers separating them with a comma (e.g. node1[1, 2, 3] -> [4, 5, 2]node2 would link the 1st, 2nd and 3rd output of node1 to the 4th, 5th and 2nd input of node2 respectively). Note: you should list equal number of outputs and inputs.

Since views are a special kind of nodes, one can use the -> operator to link outputs of a node to a view. In case of a node's own buffer contains the data of interest the --> operator should be used. E.g. node --> view means that the node's own buffer will be displayed when switching to view.

An expression (instance declaration and linking) should always be terminated by a semicolon. A node instance declaration can be written inline in a linking expression. If you use a node only in one expression you can omit the instance name part: by doing so the framework will generate a unique name for this node.

It is really easy to create new TSGs or modify existing ones due to the convenient TSG editing features of Epoxide:

  • syntax highlighting that visually separates node classes and instances,

  • Eldoc integration which provides short documentation for node configuration parameters,

  • autocomplete support that brings intelligent code completion capability,

  • and keyboard shortcuts for controlling the execution of the TSG and the nodes.

Since now we are familiar with the syntax of the TSG definition file we can take a look at a simple execution scenario.

Executing the TSG

Executing a TSG describing the troubleshooting process itself is as simple as opening the corresponding .tsg file. For starters let's see an even simpler scenario then described before that uses only one Ping and one Filter node. Let's open it now by issuing C-x C-f ~/.emacs.d/elpa/epoxide-/examples/ping.tsg RET. Depending on your setup the execution starts automatically or you have to press C-x C-e then hit y at the confirmation question to start the execution. (This behavior can be customized in the epoxide customization group by changing the value of the variable epoxide-start-tsg-on-file-open.) As the execution starts, the Emacs frame splits horizontally and you can see the .tsg file and the output of the last link in the TSG. Currently it is the output of ping with lines emphasizing greater or equal than 20 ms response time.

Let us suppose that we want to check the connectivity with a different target. It is really simple to do that with Epoxide. All you have to do is modify the second parameter of the Ping node and reevaluate the .tsg file with C-x C-e y. (Or you can move to the node's buffer and change the parameter using the runtime node reconfiguration option as described later.)


At this point we have a running TSG which we want to examine. The main purpose behind examining a TSG in details is to see the data-flow itself and to modify node variables on-the-fly. In order to aid traversing a TSG, Epoxide can provide a graphical representation of the TSG by pressing M-x t or C-x g. Nodes can be easily accessed from this view by clicking on their name or using key bindings (C-x p and C-x n).

Every node has its own buffer where a small help is provided and the node's variables can be accessed by pressing v; these variables can be modified on-the-fly. Links between the nodes can be altered this way also.

It is also possible to navigate through the TSG via the links. Press C-x n or M-n to jump to the following link/node, and C-x p or M-p to the previous one. If you want to jump back to the .tsg file, press M-g e.


One might want to perform two pings at the same time. The modifications of the TSG definition file to achieve this were discussed in the previous section. Comparison of the simple case and the one using parallel pings is left to the reader.

If there are views in a TSG, the last one will be activated at the beginning of the execution. Other views can be activated with the numeric prefix M-g v key binding, or you can cycle through the defined views by pressing M-p or M-n as you can see it in the animation.


Implementing new nodes

Currently, Epoxide can only provide a limited number of predefined nodes, therefore, cannot cover every unique use-case. On such occasions, the functionality of Epoxide can be easily extended by implementing new nodes. Nodes are written in Emacs Lisp using some Epoxide-specific data structures which are well-documented in the source code.

To implement a new node the following three Epoxide framework-specific functions have to be included in the node describing file:

  • epoxide-<nodename>-start is called when the node initializes,

  • epoxide-<nodename>-exec contains the function of the node, this is the function called by the scheduler during TSG execution,

  • epoxide-<nodename>-stop is called when the node stops.

In these function names <nodename> should match the node definition file name in all lower case letters.

Additional documentation-aiding functions can be added to a node:

  • epoxide-<nodename>-input-info provides documentation, value hints and validation for input fields,

  • epoxide-<nodename>-config-info provides documentation, value hints and validation for configuration fields,

  • epoxide-<nodename>-output-info provides documentation, value hints and validation for output fields.

Existing node definition files are collected in src/nodes/ but this location can be customized by changing the value of the variable epoxide-nodes-files-directory. Node definition files should be Emacs Lisp files and their names should start with a capital letter (e.g. Nodename.el).

As an example take a look at the Ping node.

Keyboard shortcuts

We present the full extent of the specific Epoxide key bindings here.

Troubleshooting Graph (TSG) execution:

  • C-x C-e clears any previous information and restarts execution of the TSG,

  • C-c C-e restarts the execution of the TSG but keeps previous information (this can be used for adding nodes and links to the TSG).

TSG modification:

  • C-c C-a adds a new node to the TSG,
  • C-c C-r restarts a node.

Navigation, views, etc:

  • v shows the Epoxide variable list,
  • c customizes Epoxide variables,
  • C-x C-b shows the Epoxide specific Ibuffer list,
  • C-x g and M-x t show the TSG visualization,
  • M-g e shows the TSG file,
  • C-x n jumps to the following node,
  • C-x p jumps to the preceding node,
  • C-c C-o shows every output buffers of the active node,
  • M-n jumps to the next buffer in the TSG,
  • M-p jumps to the previous buffer in the TSG,
  • C-[1-9] M-g v activates View #[1-9],
  • M-N activates the next View,
  • M-P activates the previous View.


The research leading to these results has received funding from the European Union Seventh Framework Programme under grant agreement No. 619609. See


A Modular Troubleshooting Framework for SDN







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