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Viktor Nemeth edited this page Dec 3, 2022 · 3 revisions

Welcome to the GeoTagNinja wiki!

As time goes on I'm hoping to extend this Wiki with useful information on what GeoTagNinja is and how it operates. For those interested in a more technical rundown of File Interactions here. Everyone that's more interested in the non-technical stuff, read on.

What is GeoTagNinja?

GeoTagNinja (GTN) is a photo geo-tagger application for Windows 7+. It allows you to tag your photos using a built-in map and edit various files' tags for coordinates, country, city, state and a number of other things. It can also automatically pull the relevant information from the cloud.

What's required?

  • Windows 7+ is definitely required.
  • Webview2 is also required, I think that's built in into Windows 10+ but in case anyone has issues get it from Microsoft. For anyone interested, that controls/loads the map and is technically an Edge-based snap-in.
  • You'll need an ArcGIS API key to use the map search functionality. Register for free here
  • You'll need a geoNames username and password to use toponomy search. Register for free here

How to use?

In terms of installation download the .msi file from Releases - Find the newest release (topmost, easy) then click on Assets if they are not showing.

In terms of setting things up once you have your various accounts (ArcGIS/geoNames) you can go into Settings and enter the relevant values. For geoNames you'll need to enter your username, not your email address.

The app itself has three main blocks, the main grid, the map and the image preview.


There is a "short" (15 mins) capabilities demo on Youtube if you feel like watching it. The video is based on the initial release from Aug 2022 and small parts of the app have changed since but it generally still covers most things accurately.

If you want to associate a particular place with a photo you can search on the map for whatever you need. Then use the buttons at the bottom of the map to stamp the data onto your file(s). You can also just point (and click) on the map to get coordinates (but you still need to use the button.)

If you want to edit a particular file then you can double-click on the file or do Control Enter or click on the button in the toolstrip just under the menu. The "Edit Data" panel is a bit slow to open up at the moment. That will be worked on.


You can copy-paste values across files by selecting a source file in the main grid, pressing Shift Control C and then selecting your target(s) and pressing Shift Control V -> there will be a panel opening up to ask to confirm what tags you want to paste.

Files that have been edited (and queued up for writing) will appear red in the grid. To save either move a folder (and then confirm you want to save when asked) or press Control S or there's a button for that too.

Issues and Questions

If you have found a bug or want a new feature, use the Issue tracker. If you just have a question use Discussions. There is a very short Q&A and a generic rundown of things in the main Readme, which you should read before filing a bug report.

If you are super lazy to read the readme (don't be) and you have problems then at least try that if you copy your files to somewhere "simple" like C:\temp and rename the files not to contain unicode characters (anything non-standard-English) see if you still have the problem. There are some inherent limitations of the underlying code that can't handle very long path names but as you see from the "main" screenshot above (check the foldername), in theory unicode characters should work. Famous last words there.)