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Spatial 0.25.2-neo4j-3.3.0

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@craigtaverner craigtaverner released this 14 Nov 00:12
· 40 commits to 0.25-neo4j-3.3 since this release

Release 0.25 introduced a new geohash index for points. However, that release had only the barest API for Java access. This update 0.25.2 provides a more extensive Java and Cypher procedures API for using the Geohash index. For Neo4j 3.0 (update 0.25.1) this primarily means:

  • the new spatial.addPointLayerGeohash(name) procedure
  • the addition of the type 'geohash' for the second parameter to spatial.addLayer(name,type) procedure. See spatial.layerTypes() for the complete list.

For Neo4j 3.1, 3.2 and 3.3 (update 0.25.2) we have also made use of the ability of procedures to have optional arguments and added two additional arguments to the other point layer creation procedures:

  • spatial.addPointLayer(name,indexType,crsName)
  • spatial.addPointLayerXY(name,xProperty,yProperty,indexType,crsName)
  • spatial.addPointLayerWithConfig(name,encoderConfig,indexType,crsName)

The default for indexType, if omitted, is rtree. The only other allowed value is geohash. The crsName is currently a placeholder for more extensive CRS support, and right now only wgs84 is supported.