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Spatial 0.25.3-neo4j-3.3.1

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@craigtaverner craigtaverner released this 17 Dec 01:03
· 14 commits to 0.25-neo4j-3.3 since this release

Release 0.25 introduced a new geohash index for points, and 0.25.2 added more surface for accessing that index. This release adds two space-filling curve based indexes, the Z-Order and Hilbert curves. The Z-Order is conceptually the same as the Geohash, but we are using a collection of integer range queries to search the index instead of a string prefix, with different performance characteristics. The procedures now have the following methods for using these indexes:

  • spatial.addPointLayerGeohash(name)
  • spatial.addPointLayerZOrder(name)
  • spatial.addPointLayerHilbert(name)
  • the addition of the types 'geohash', 'zorder' and 'hilbert' for the second parameter to spatial.addLayer(name,type) procedure. See spatial.layerTypes() for the complete list.