Spatial 0.26.1-neo4j-3.4.9
released this
03 Feb 20:28
2 commits
to 0.26-neo4j-3.4
since this release
The primary change in the release is the addition of a new GeomertyEncoder for point data, called the NativePointEncoder. This can be used as a replacement for the SimplePointEncoder. The SimplePointEncoder encodes points as two double properties on a node, usually 'x' and 'y' or 'longitude' and 'latitude'. The NativePointEncoder works on Neo4j 3.4 and later with the built-in support for Point data types.
All procedures that supported the SimplePointEncoder now have versions for the NativePointEncoder. For example:
CALL spatial.addLayerWithEncoder('geom','NativePointEncoder','pos:mbr')
And then
CREATE (n {pos:point(latitude:13.2,longitude:56.7)}) CALL spatial.addNode('geom',n)
Or perhaps:
CALL spatial.addNativePointLayerGeohash('points')
And then:
CREATE (n {location:point(latitude:13.2,longitude:56.7)}) CALL spatial.addNode('points',n)