This is an Graph Database full of activity of the GraphQL community, including
- StackOverflow
- GitHub
- [Meetups]
- [Slack]
- Neo4j Database at:, (read-only user: graphql password: graphql)
- Installed neo4j-graphql extension with this schema on
- Query against the database with GraphiQL or apollo-client
- Check out the GraphQL-Community Application (TODO Will)
- Build an example application
Http-Header for GraphiQL: Authorization: Basic Z3JhcGhxbDpncmFwaHFs
curl -i -X POST -u "graphql:graphql" -d'{"query": "{ User(name:\"apollographql\") {name}}"}' -H accept:application/json -H content-type:application/json
curl -i -X POST -u "neo4j:********" -d@community-graph.schema
- User
- Tweet, Tag
- Question, Answer, Tag
- Repository
- dashboard (followship, activity)
- content discovery (projects, blogs)
- people activity (over time, when are they falling off)
- channel activity
- identify frequent questions / topics