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Marek Fišera edited this page Jan 29, 2022 · 23 revisions

Here is a complete example of whats possible in tag lib definition.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>
<taglib xmlns="">

    <!-- PHP class namespace -->

    <!-- Maximum count of instance on a page -->

    <!-- Purpose of a library -->
        Knihovna pro správu proměnných systému.

    <!-- Marks a library as disposable. Must declare method "dispose" which is called at the end of the request -->
    <disposable />
    <!-- Self closing tag -->
        <!-- A name of the tag used inside markup -->

        <!-- PHP function to execute -->
        <!-- A marker for custom tag actions (no UI is generated from this tag). Use the element only when the tag is lookless. -->
        <lookless />

        <!-- A marker for making custom tag obsolete -->
            <!-- Optional description of replacement -->
        <!-- A list of attributes -->
            <!-- Attribute name inside markup -->

            <!-- Whether attribute is required or not. Use element only if the attribute is required. -->
            <required />

            <!-- Default value if attribute was not specified inside markup -->

            <!-- A type of the attribute value. Default value must be provided to work properly. -->
            <type preferPropertyReference="true">string|number|bool|propertyReference</type>

            <!-- Whether attribute is prefix (eg. filter-*). Also direct prefix can be used (eg. filter). Use element only for prefix attributes. -->
            <prefix />

            <!-- Documentation of attribute -->
            <comment>Název proměnné, která se má nastavit.</comment>

            <!-- A marker for making custom tag obsolete -->
                <!-- Optional description of replacement -->
        <!-- All other attributes will be assed as a special params attribute in form of associative array -->
        <anyAttribute />
        <!-- Documentation of the tag -->
            Nastaví hodnotu proměnné s názvem 'name'.

    <!-- All other tags -->
        <!-- PHP function to execute -->

        <!-- Documentation of the any tag -->
            Lorem ipsum...

    <!-- A full tag with a body. This body is passed as a first argument to PHP function -->
        <!-- Same as &lt;tag&gt; -->

    <!-- All other full tags -->
        <!-- Same as &lt;anyTag&gt; -->

    <!-- A custom property definition -->

        <!-- A name of the property used inside markup -->

        <!-- PHP function used to set a value -->

        <!-- PHP function used to get a value -->

        <!-- A marker for making custom tag obsolete -->
            <!-- Optional description of replacement -->
        <!-- Documentation of the property -->
            Uchovává hodnotu Id aktuálního uživatele.

    <!-- All other properties are mapped to function 'getProperty' -->
            Uchovává hodnotu Id aktuálního uživatele.

        <!-- PHP function to execute -->

        <!-- List of attributes -->
            <!-- Same as tag attribute -->

            <!-- Provides body for full tag written as selfclosing. -->
            <providesFullTagBody />

            <!-- Has access to decorated tag attributes and can modify them. -->
            <modifiesAttributes />

            <!-- Can decide whether the inner tag will execute. -->
            <conditionsExecution />

        <!-- Documentation of the decorator -->
        <comment>Poskytuje obsah těla pro párový tag ze šablony.</comment>
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