You can use this repository to faciliate the analysis of the EPC dataset.
As a first application, we analysed the CO2 emissions and housing energy efficiency of properties in Wales, with a special focus on differences across sectors (social rental, private rental and owner-occupied). The full report can be found here. Have a look at the following Jupyter Notebooks in this directory EPC_data_analysis/analysis/notebooks/
You can check out some EPC visualisations here.
You can find and download the entire EPC dataset from here.
Analysis on the entire UK
Cleaning of EPC free text features
Kepler Visualisation: Normalisation by density
Integration of data from different years
And much more...
Before getting started, meet the data science cookiecutter requirements, in brief:
Have a Nesta AWS account configured with
# Get the repository
$ git clone
# Setup
$ cd EPC_data_analysis
$ make install
$ conda activate epc_data_analysis
# Prepare input data
$ make inputs-pull
$ unzip "inputs/EPC_data/" -d inputs/EPC_data/.
# If is required
$ pip install keplergl