NOTE: make a backup of ~/.vimrc, ~/.vim, ~/.gvimrc etc. For example
What about this?
mv ~/.vimrc ~/.vimrc.bkup
mv ~/.vim ~/.vim.bkup
mv ~/.gvimrc ~/.gvimrc.bkup
git clone
cd dotvim
git submodule init
git submodule update
- Backup any existing VIM configuration
Note: install script will create a ~/.vim/swaps and ~/.vim/backups dir (if they dont exist) in order to keep swap files centralized.
Note: after adding any new pathogen plugins, be sure to run :Helptags to generate help docs. See:
Additionally, you can add ignore = dirty
to individual modules who have helptags generated.
In order to use ctags with tagbar plugin, you'll also need to install the following:
brew install ctags-exuberant
// See:
go get -u
// See:
In order to use syntastic, syntax checkers for appropriate languages must be installed. See for example syntax checkers. I usually use:
npm install -g jshint
npm install -g jscs
You can see what checkers are available by running :SyntasticInfo
from vim. Additionally, you can manually run a checker using :SyntasticCheck jscs
, with jscs for example.
git submodule add<USER>/<REPO>.git bundle/<REPO>
Git Gutter - Shows Git repo changes
Airline - Status Bar plugin - The mothership
To uninstall, run the following three commands:
unlink ~/.vim
rm -rf ~/.vim/backups
rm -rf ~/.vim/swaps