A saga implementation to manage distributed transaction across multiple microservices
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One big challenge with using the microservice architecture is that developers must deal with the additional complexity of creating a distributed system. Developers must use an inter-process communication mechanism. Implementing use cases that span multiple services requires the use of unfamiliar techniques.
Saga is a type of Compensating Transaction pattern, which provides a simple way to help users solve the data consistency problems encountered in micro-service applications.
You will need:
- [JDK 1.8+][jdk]
- [Maven 3.x][maven]
- [Kafka 0.11+][kafka]
- [Docker][docker]
- [MySQL][mysql]
- [Docker compose(optional)][docker_compose]
--saga-core: Base components and interface to saga framework; Define saga basic command, event and message;
--saga-framework: Saga framework implementation. Define saga participant, orchestration, and message repository;
--saga-dsl: Base saga definition which includes saga steps definition, saga execution state, etc...
--order-service: End-to-end integration test module for saga framework.
--saga-cdc-mysql-connector: Base components for mysql to kafka binlog data transfer.
--saga-cdc-service-mysql: cdc (capture data change) service for mysql to kafka