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Writing Tests (Own Modules)

Christian Münch edited this page Sep 29, 2023 · 5 revisions

Writing Tests (Own Modules)

We provide a test framework to test 3rd party modules. It's highly recommended to secure/stabalize code by unit tests.

The test framework is available on github ( and contains base test cases for PHPUnit.

Example Module

We offer an example module:


The test runner requires a vanilla Magento 2 installation. To run test suite it's necessary to set the environment variable N98_MAGERUN2_TEST_MAGENTO_ROOT with the root path to the installation.

All unit tests run against this installation. Please don't use any production environment!

Test Module Commands

Example Test Case:


namespace Acme\Example\Command;

use N98\Magento\Command\PHPUnit\TestCase;
use Symfony\Component\Console\Tester\CommandTester;

class FooCommandTest extends TestCase
     * @test
    public function testOutput()
         * Load module config for unit test. In this case the relative
         * path from current test case.
        $this->loadConfigFile(__DIR__ . '/../../n98-magerun2.yaml');

         * Test if command could be found
        $command = $this->getApplication()->find('foo');

         * Call command
        $commandTester = new CommandTester($command);

Test dev:console Commands

Code-Generating Command

Create a reference file which contains the content of the code generator. In the following test case the file is place in "DIR /_files/ExampleSomething.php".

The method mockWriterFileWriteFileAssertion of the TestCase class mocks the module writer and compares the output against the reference file.


namespace Acme\Example\Command\CodeGenerator;

use N98\Magento\Command\Developer\Console\PHPUnit\TestCase;

class MakeSomethingCommandTest extends TestCase
     * @test
    public function testGenerator()
        $command = new MakeSomethingCommand();

        $commandTester = $this->createCommandTester($command);

        $writerMock = $this->mockWriterFileWriteFileAssertion(
            __DIR__ . '/_files/ExampleSomething.php'

            /* pass your parameters */

Run PHPUnit Tests

N98_MAGERUN2_TEST_MAGENTO_ROOT=/path/to/magento/root ./vendor/bin/phpunit

Example PHPUnit Configuration

Example module structure:

├── composer.json
├── n98-magerun2.yaml
├── phpunit.xml.dist
├── src
│   └── Command
│       └── ExampleCommand.php
└── tests
    └── Command
        └── ExampleCommandTest.php


<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<phpunit xmlns:xsi=""
  <coverage includeUncoveredFiles="true">
    <testsuite name="My Custom n98-magerun2 Commands">

Where to place a module?

Currently there are three basedirs available to place custom modules.

  • A global folder for the system: /usr/local/share/n98-magerun2/modules
  • A folder inside the user’s home dir. ~/.n98-magerun2/modules
  • A folder inside the Magento installation MAGENTO_ROOT/lib/n98-magerun2/modules

Every config in a module will then be merged together. The order of config merging process of the complete n98-magerun tool is now the following:

  • [DIST] config.yaml inside the phar file
  • [Module-Level] found module config as described above
  • [System-Level] config in /etc/n98-magerun2.yaml
  • [User-Level] ~/n98-magerun2.yaml
  • [Project-Level] MAGENTO_ROOT/app/etc/n98-magerun2.yaml

Composer Installation in a project


  "name": "acme/example",
  "description": "Some commands",
  "require": {
    "n98/magerun2": "1.2.*"
  "require-dev": {
    "n98/magerun2-test-framework": "dev-master",
    "phpunit/phpunit": "~4.1.0"
  "autoload-dev": {
    "psr-4": {
      "Acme\\Example\\": "tests"
  "autoload": {
    "psr-4": {
      "Acme\\Example\\": "src"

To add a n98-magerun2 module via composer in a single project we need to add a post-install-command in the composer.json of the main project.

Add this to your project composer.json:

"post-install-cmd": [
    "mkdir -p lib/n98-magerun2/modules && ln -rsfT vendor/acme/example lib/n98-magerun2/modules/example"

Modify the path so that it matches your modules name.