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neuecc edited this page Sep 4, 2016 · 1 revision


[Obsolete]Infrastructure interface for PresenterBase`T

public interface UniRx.Obsolete.IPresenter


Type Name Summary
GameObject gameObject
IPresenter Parent


Type Name Summary
void Awake()
void ForceInitialize(Object argument)
void InitializeCore()
void RegisterParent(IPresenter parent)
void StartCapturePhase()


[Obsolete]PresenterBase can control dependency of presenter's hierarchy.

public abstract class UniRx.Obsolete.PresenterBase
    : PresenterBase<Unit>, IPresenter


Type Name Summary
void BeforeInitialize(Unit argument) Same as Start but called before children initialized, it's chance for propagate argument to children.
void BeforeInitialize() Same as Start but called before children initialized, it's chance for propagate argument to children.
void ForceInitialize() Force Start BeforeInitialize/Initialize. If you create presenter dynamically, maybe useful.
void Initialize(Unit argument) Same as Start but called after all children are initialized.
void Initialize() Same as Start but called after all children are initialized.


[Obsolete]PresenterBase can control dependency of presenter's hierarchy.

public abstract class UniRx.Obsolete.PresenterBase<T>
    : MonoBehaviour, IPresenter


Type Name Summary
IPresenter[] Children Dependency on hierarchy of this presenter. If Children is empty, you can return this.EmptyChildren.
IPresenter Parent


Type Name Summary
void Awake() Infrastructure method called by UnityEngine. If you needs override Awake, override OnAwake.
void BeforeInitialize(T argument) Same as Start but called before children initialized, it's chance for propagate argument to children.
void ForceInitialize(T argument) Force Start BeforeInitialize/Initialize. If you create presenter dynamically, maybe useful.
void Initialize(T argument) Same as Start but called after all children are initialized.
IObservable<Unit> InitializeAsObservable() Observable sequence called after initialize completed.
void OnAwake() An alternative of Awake.
void PropagateArgument(T argument) Propagate(Set) argument.
void Start() Infrastructure method called by UnityEngine. don't call directly, don't override, don't hide!

Static Fields

Type Name Summary
IPresenter[] EmptyChildren