My javascript30 🎉
What I have done... 🤔
- JavaScript Drum Kit
- CSS + JS Clock
- Playing with CSS Variables and JS
- Array Cardio Day 1
- Flex Panels Image Gallery
- Ajax Type Ahead
- Array Cardio Day 2
- Fun with HTML Canvas
- 14 Must Know Dev Tools Tricks
- Hold Shift to Check Multiple Checkboxes
- Custom HTML5 Video Player
- Custom HTML5 Video Player
- Key Sequence Detection (KONAMI CODE)
- Slide In on Scroll
- Objects and Arrays - Reference VS Copy
- LocalStorage and Event Delegation
- CSS Text Shadow Mouse Move Effect
- Sorting Band Names without articles
- Tally String Times with Reduce
- Unreal Webcam Fun
- Native Speech Recognition
- Geolocation based Speedometer and Compass
- Follow Along Links
- Speech Synthesis
- Sticky Nav
- Event Capture, Propagation, Bubbling and Once
- Stripe Follow Along Dropdown
- Click and Drag to Scroll
- Video Speed Controller UI
- Countdown Clock
- Whack A Mole Game
Progress: Complete!
- Uploaded Day 7 (it seemed to be missing)
- Fixed Day 24
- Updated Day 14 so it didn't clear the console
- Made Day 25 "nicer" (gave button text and changed querySelectorAll to querySelector)