App parameter | Purpose |
nmcslup slupid | slup application id to use for registration |
nmcslup slupsecret | slup secret to use for registration |
nmcslup slupgwendpoint | Webservice endpoint URL for SLUP gateway |
nmcslup slupreceiverurl | SlupReceiverURL that is sent towards the Slup Gateway via the startSLUP2 request. |
nmcslup slupcontrolintv | (optional override, int) interval to OPEN after boot other than 300 (sec) |
nmcslup local_cert | local path to a client certificate for use with SLUP requester authentication. |
It must be a PEM encoded file which contains your certificate and private key. |
Remember that NextCloud app configuration values only support string, so 300sec is '300'.
The configuration could be done with the following commandline calls (only, no UI):
sudo -u www-data php /var/www/nextcloud/occ config:app:set nmcslup slupid --value <secret value delivered by slup partner>
sudo -u www-data php /var/www/nextcloud/occ config:app:set nmcslup slupsecret --value <secret value delivered by slup partner>
sudo -u www-data php /var/www/nextcloud/occ config:app:set nmcslup slupgwendpoint --value <value delivered by slup partner>
sudo -u www-data php /var/www/nextcloud/occ config:app:set nmcslup slupreceiverurl --value <value delivered by slup partner>
sudo -u www-data php /var/www/nextcloud/occ config:app:set nmcslup slupcontrolintv --value 123
sudo -u www-data php /var/www/nextcloud/occ config:app:set nmcslup local_cert --value <set value to local path where file is stored>
There is a public endpoint to ask for the state of the SLUP circuit breaker (open, halfopen or closed):
curl -X GET -H "Accept: application/json"
Before first run, prepare your app for unittesting by:
cd custom_apps/myapp
# run once if needed
composer install --no-dev -o
Execute unittests with the mandatory standard run before push:
phpunit --stderr --bootstrap tests/bootstrap.php tests/unit/MyTest.php
For quicker development (only!), you could skip large/long running tests
phpunit --stderr --bootstrap tests/bootstrap.php --exclude-group=large tests/unit/MyTest.php
Or you could limit your call to some methods only:
phpunit --stderr --bootstrap tests/bootstrap.php --filter='testMethod1|testMethod2' tests/unit/MyTest.php
tail -f /var/log/nextcloud/nextcloud.json.log |jq 'select(.app=="nmcprovisioning")'
Only user_oidc and nmcslup, without deprecation warnings:
tail -f /var/log/nextcloud/nextcloud.json.log |jq 'select(.app=="nmcslup") | select(.message|contains("deprecated")|not)'
For building only
composer install --no-dev -o
If you want to check in vendor/
dir, make sure to call composer in this mode and check in only the files
generated in non-dev mode!
For dev:
composer install --dev -o
Don´t check in the additionally pulled dev content!