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Useful command:

This assumes you have grunt and bower installed. Make sure you have npm, and have ran npm install -g bower grunt-cli to install bower and grunt globally.

Set up local dev env:

git clone
npm install
bundle install

Run grunt to compile css from sass by simply run grunt from your terminal within your repo. It will launch watch by default. control-c to stop. If you only want the css compiled once, run grunt sass

Then another tab and bundle exec jekyll serve -w

To edit contents:

  1. edit _config.yml
  2. edit html/md files (hint: _layouts/default.html is the base)
  3. edit sass and run grunt (hint: Try editing scss/_stettings.scss)
  4. edit _include/nav.html

To run jekyll locally to test your website while developing, run bundle exec jekyll serve --watch (requires ruby) Your website should be viewable by going to localhost:4000 Github's doc on how to use Jekyll on Github Pages is also helpful. For more on Foundation stuff that I am using, see Foundation documentation

Problems with bundle installer El Capitan:

No, you'll need to either change your GEM_HOME or do something like sudo gem install bundler -n /usr/local/bin because of El Cap's introduction of SIP (System Integrity Protection).

Special Thanks

Special thanks to HTML 5 Boilerplate whose code I have based this on. @kionoshp's padding-margin. Because it has become part of every site that I manage. and Font Awesome for bing awesome.


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