Developed and maintained by i-lateral
SilverStripe 3.1 or greater.
Downloading the module:
Download and add the module to the "custommenus" folder in your SilverStripe root folder
Run dev/build?flush=all
Visit admin/menus/ to setup your custom menus
In you template, use: <% loop CustomMenu(slug) %><% end_loop %>
You can also download and install this module using composer and packagist
Once the module is downloaded and installed, you can create menus and add pages to them using the "Menus" page in the admin interfacve.
To render these menus in your templates, you can either:
Add $RenderCustomMenu(menu-slug) to your template code. This will make use of the include to render a UL (with a unique class name).
Alternativley you can generate your own template by adding the following code:
<% if $CustomMenu(main-menu) %><ul class="menu">
<% loop $CustomMenu(main-menu) %>
<li class="$LinkingMode $FirstLast">
<a href="$Link">$MenuTitle</a>
<% end_loop %>
</ul><% end_if %>