Signature Based Fault Tolerance
There is a need for verification and/or correctness for hardware in the presence of radiation, and abnormal operating conditions. Within high-level synthesis, methdologies which permit fault tolerance are not well presented. This project aims to induce some notion of fault tolerance through control flow.
To use the pass with an existing LLVM installation, navigate to the subdirectory source/
in this project and run:
$ cmake .
$ make
And voila, the pass should be instantiated.
To view the effects of the pass:
$ clang -c -emit-llvm file.c -o file.bc
$ opt -debug -load ../source/SignatureDetection/ -signatureDetection file.bc -o opted_file.bc
You can test this by navigating to the test_files/
directory and running:
$ ./
$ ./
Nicholas Giamblanco (M.A.Sc.)
@ The University of Toronto