This is a solution to the Multi-step form challenge of Symphoni Social.
Users should be able to:
- Complete each step of the sequence
- Go back to a previous step to update their selections
- See a summary of their selections on the final step and confirm their order
- View the optimal layout for the interface depending on their device's screen size
- See hover and focus states for all interactive elements on the page
- Receive form validation messages if:
- A field has been missed
- The email address is not formatted correctly
- A step is submitted, but no selection has been made
Below is a screenshot showing an error message when a user doesn't choose a plan
Below is a screenshot displaying the overall choices of the user
Below is a screenshot displaying a thank you message on confirmation
- GitHub Solution URL:
- Live Site URL:
- React Router Dom - For seamless Navigation
- Tailwind CSS - CSS Utility library
- Zustand - State management library
- TypeScript - To add Type Safety features
- React Hook Form - For Form Validation
- React - JS library
- Zustand State Management:
- I learned how to efficiently manage state using Zustand, leveraging a single store setup and custom hooks for seamless state updates and access.
- React Hook Form for Form Validation:
- I learned how to streamline form validation with React Hook Form, employing its lightweight API to set up validation rules and provide real-time feedback for improved user interaction.
I plan to continue refining my skills in React and it's useful library. Without forgetting to increase my skillset and my overall efficiency in the stack.
- Zustand Documentation - Documentation and examples for Zustand state management library.
- React Documentation - Official documentation for React.
- React hook form Documentation - Official documentation for React.