This is a follow on course for the Introduction to R and R Studio course or for people who have some familiarity and comfort in using R.
Data for the course is from the {NHSRdatasets} package available through CRAN. Set up information for the course can be found in the NHS-R Way book.
Please see our guidance on how to contribute.
This project is released with a Contributor Code of Conduct. By contributing to this project, you agree to abide by its terms.
The simplest way to contribute is to raise an issue detailing the feature or functionality you would like to see added, or any unexpected behaviour or bugs you have experienced.
Note that because this is a forked project the following commands in git in the
Terminal are needed to reset the origin
to NHS-R Community.
This is needed in order to create new branches to PR into main
which is good
git remote remove upstream
git remote add upstream
git remote remove origin
git remote add origin
The command:
git remote -v
will show the links and should say:
origin (fetch)
origin (push)
upstream (fetch)
upstream (push)
Hint: copying text into the Terminal cannot use the short cut keys of Ctrl+V but right click on the mouse.
Also note that the PR will work from the {usethis} package but will be to the
upstream repository in GitHub and will need to be reset to
To Simon.Wellesley-Miller, NHS England, for developing this course on behalf of NHS-R Community.