Create a duplex stream from a preact component
This will take a preact component, and return a new component with some additional properties -- .createSource()
, and .sink
, so that you can easily connect a view to a pull-stream. The source produces events from the dom, and the sink consumes state objects that get passed down as props, re-rendering for each new state.
npm install preact-pull-stream
var { h, render } = require('preact')
var createViewStream = require('preact-pull-stream')
var assert = require('assert')
var xtend = require('xtend')
var S = require('pull-stream')
var scan = require('pull-scan')
var initState = { hello: 'world', n: 0 }
// create a duplex stream from a preact component
var View = createViewStream(MyView, initState)
function MyView (props) {
var { emit } = props
if (props.n === 0) {
process.nextTick(function () {
emit('foo', {
target: {
value: 'world'
return <div>
hello: {props.hello} {props.n}
<br />
`emit('foo')` returns a function that takes a dom event,
and emits events to the stream in the form [type, data], eg:
`['foo', <input event>]`
The curried emit functions are memoized based on type,
so we do not create a new function on each render
<input type="text" value={props.hello} onInput={emit('foo')}
autofocus={true} />
// transform view events into new states
var states$ = S(
scan((state, [type, ev]) => {
assert.equal(type, 'foo')
return { hello:, n: state.n + 1 }
}, initState)
// View.sink will re-render on each event in the stream
S( states$, View.sink )
render(<View />, document.body)