Application written with PhalconPHP ( and AngularJS ( to record and display the Kicks and Game balls of Harry Hog Football (, the ultimate podcast for Redskins Fans.
To run this application on your machine, you need at least:
PHP >= 5.3.6
Apache Web Server with mod rewrite enabled
Latest Phalcon Framework extension enabled (>= 0.9.0)
You need to have PhalconPHP installed on your web server as an extension. For installation instructions, please follow this guide : mod_rewrite must be enabled for IIS/Apache (or try_files for nginx). The mysql extension must also be enabled.
Download or clone the application and upload it to your web server.
echo "CREATE DATABASE hhf CHARACTER SET utf8 COLLATE utf8_general_ci;" |mysql -u root -p
echo "GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON hhf.* TO hhf_user@localhost IDENTIFIED BY '12345';" |mysql hhf -u root -p
Please change the username and password on the line above to meet your requirements.
You can import the schema using the following command:
mysql -u root -p hhf < app/schema/schema.sql
Make sure the path of the schema file matches your setup.
The default username is "admin@hhf.ld" and the default password is "a" (without the quotes)
Edit the configuration file with your information.
Here is a sample configuration for Apache. Note that the DocumentRoot points to the public folder
<VirtualHost *:80>
ServerAdmin webmaster@localhost
ServerName hhf.ld
DocumentRoot /home/www/hhf.ld/public
<Directory /home/www/hhf.ld>
Options -Indexes FollowSymLinks
AllowOverride All
Order allow,deny
Allow from all