This service collects metrics and renders them on Framework 16" LED matrix using LED Matrix Daemon. All in all, it just renders a PNG image with the metrics and sends it to the daemon responsible for rendering it on LED matrix.
Metric collectors:
- CPU usage
- Memory % usage
- Disk IO usage
- Network usage
- CPU Temperature
- Battery Level
- Network/disk plot
- Temperature bar
- Battery level bar
- CPU usage bar per core + average
- Memory usage bar
yay -S led_matrix_monitoring
Enable daemon with default configuration:
sudo systemctl enable --now led_matrix_monitoring.service
Install Rust:
curl --proto '=https' --tlsv1.2 -sSf | sh
Check out the repository and build the binary:
git clone
cd led_matrix_monitoring
cargo build --release
Copy the binary to a location in your path:
sudo cp ./target/release/led_matrix_monitoring /usr/local/bin
Take a look at example_config.toml.
In the collector section, everything that takes a list of values will produce an average of those values. You might want to change widget position here and there.