A Flutter plugin for Google ReCaptcha V2.
This plugin requires Webview
to use Google ReCaptcha.
This plugin only supports Google ReCAPTCHA V2 (not V3)
Obtain your own key & secret here: https://www.google.com/recaptcha
!!! Remember to add this domain into the reCaptcha setting: recaptcha-flutter-plugin.firebaseapp.com
Then test your API KEY at: https://recaptcha-flutter-plugin.firebaseapp.com/?api_key=API_KEY
Put RecaptchaV2
widget into your widget tree (Usually inside Stack
widget), make sure it's placed on top of the tree and block all the behind interactions:
RecaptchaV2Controller recaptchaV2Controller = RecaptchaV2Controller();
apiKey: "YOUR_API_KEY", // for enabling the reCaptcha
apiSecret: "YOUR_API_SECRET", // for verifying the responded token
controller: recaptchaV2Controller,
onVerifiedError: (err){
onVerifiedSuccessfully: (success) {
setState(() {
if (success) {
// You've been verified successfully.
} else {
// "Failed to verify.
The RecaptchaV2
widget is hidden by default, you need to attach the RecaptchaV2Controller
and call show()
method when needed. Like this:
Manually hide it:
That's it!