$ go install github.com/nikolaydubina/jsonl-graph@latest
$ go install github.com/nikolaydubina/import-graph@latest
# and get https://graphviz.org/download/
- Go modules, runs tests, detects tests and benchmarks
- git log
- goreportcard.com
- codecov.io
- Analyzes README.md
- Checks if mentioned in Awesome lists
- GitHub Stars
- GitHub verified Organizations
- reuse
go get
andgo list
to get code loaded by native Go routines - ... add yours here
$ go mod graph | import-graph -i=gomod | jsonl-graph -color-scheme=file://$PWD/basic.json | dot -Tsvg > output.svg
Output in JSONL graph
$ go mod graph | import-graph -i=gomod
{"id":"golang.org/x/net","can_get_gitstats":true,"can_get_codecov":false, ... }
Pretty-print with jq
$ go mod graph | import-graph -i=gomod | jq -f
"id": "github.com/gin-gonic/gin",
"can_get_git": true,
"can_get_codecov": true,
"can_get_goreportcard": true,
"can_run_tests": true,
"github_url": "https://github.com/gin-gonic/gin",
"git_url": "https://github.com/gin-gonic/gin",
"git_last_commit": "2021-04-21",
"git_last_commit_days_since": 3,
"git_num_contributors": 321,
"codecov_url": "https://app.codecov.io/gh/gin-gonic/gin",
"codecov_files": 41,
"codecov_lines": 2036,
"codecov_coverage": 98.67,
"gotest_has_tests": true,
"gotest_all_tests_passed": true,
"gotest_num_packages": 6,
"gotest_num_packages_with_tests": 4,
"gotest_num_packages_tests_passed": 4,
"gotest_package_coverage_avg": 98.9,
"goreportcard_average": 0.99,
"goreportcard_grade": "A+",
"goreportcard_files": 82,
"goreportcard_issues": 6,
"files_has_benchmarks": true,
"files_has_tests": true
For GitHub you need to set to set in environment GITHUB_IMPORT_GRAPH_TOKEN
to your personal GitHub token. It does not need any permissions at all. It is needed for higher quota of GitHub API calls.
https://graphviz.org/ is a very popular tool for visualizing graph data, most of tools bellow use dot from itGraphviz
https://graphviz.org/Gallery/directed/neural-network.html is nice example of dot formatGraphviz
http://magjac.com/graphviz-visual-editor online editorDocs
https://awesomeopensource.com/projects/dependency-graph is a list of dependency visualization projectsGo
https://github.com/lucasepe/modgv written in Go; converts go mod graph into graphviz; does not collect data; CLI; dotGo
https://github.com/loov/goda written in Go; analyses imports on its own; does not collect dta; CLI; dotGo
https://github.com/adonovan/spaghetti wirtten in Go; search and read details about selected package; web; not graphicGo
https://github.com/psampaz/go-mod-outdated written in Go; pretty prints built-in Go tooling; not collecting; not dot; CLIGo
https://github.com/firstrow/go-outdated written in Go; deprecated; collects data from GitHub; CLIGitHub Tasks
https://github.com/moul/depviz written in Go and JavaScript; collects data from GitHub Tasks; plots nice web UIC++
https://github.com/jmarkowski/codeviz written in Python; C++ headers analysis; does not collect data; CLI; dotPython
https://github.com/thebjorn/pydeps written in Python; looks for Python bytecode imports; clustering; does not collect data; CLI; dotPython
https://github.com/naiquevin/pipdeptree written in Python; looks for python modules locally; does not collect data; CLI; JSON and dot, DeprecatedJavaScript
https://github.com/auchenberg/dependo written in JavaScript; does not fetch data; D3.js; CLI; HTMLJavaScript
https://github.com/pahen/madge written in JavaScript; does not collect data; CLI; dotJavaScript
https://github.com/sverweij/dependency-cruiser written in JavaScript; rules; does not collect data; CLI; dotJavaScript
https://github.com/anvaka/npmgraph.an written in JavaScript; collects data; HTML; hosted in GitHub PagesJavaScript
https://github.com/anvaka/npmgraphbuilder written in JavaScript; collects data; moduleJavaScript
https://github.com/dyatko/arkit written in JavaScript; modules and dependencies; CLI; svg, pumlJavaScript
https://github.com/hughsk/colony written in JavaScript; does not collect data; HTML; JSONJavaScript
https://www.npmjs.com/package/node-dependency-visualizer written in JavaScript; does not collectdata; CLI; dotObjective-C
https://github.com/PaulTaykalo/objc-dependency-visualizer written in JavaScript and Ruby; does not collect data; CLI; dot; HTML; D3.jsJava
https://github.com/arunkumar9t2/scabbard written in Kotlin; CLI; dotPHP
https://github.com/mamuz/PhpDependencyAnalysis written in PHP; does not collect data; code analysis; CLI; dotGo
https://github.com/oss-review-toolkit/ort written in Kotlin JavaSCript Python; collects data; analyses; analysis, downloading, reporting; used for licence scanning in open source; good architecture; a bit lacking support for Go; components may not be used separatelyCode
https://github.com/aspiers/git-deps written in Python; analyses dependencies of commits in Git repository